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+375 (1719) 28-2-60


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+375 (1719) 28-2-60



Tuesday, 07 April 2020

Belarus has over 20,000 coronavirus testing kits

There are more than 20,000 testing kits for COVID-19 in Belarus, Deputy Director of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Alina Dronina said in an interview with the Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned.

Monday, 06 April 2020

Belarus to extend school holidays

A decision has been made to extend school holidays for a week, BelTA learned from the Belarus President Administration.

Friday, 03 April 2020

Alexander Lukashenko Visited Mgle Farm in Smolevichi Region

Alexander Lukashenko visits Mgle Farm in Smolevichi Region. The company is part of the group of companies CJSC "Servolux."

Thursday, 02 April 2020

Kochanova: Global situation requires Belarus to be ready for a prompt response to challenges

The global situation requires Belarus to mobilize its efforts and be ready for a prompt response to challenges, Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Natalya Kochanova said at the opening of the spring session of the upper house of the Belarusian parliament on 2 April, BelTA has learned.

Wednesday, 01 April 2020

Bellegprom: Belarus makes medical masks to meet its own needs

Face masks made in Belarus are meant for the domestic market. The number one task is to meet Belarus' own needs, head of the domestic market and exhibitions departments of the Belarusian state light industry concern Bellegprom Svetlana Kakhro said at a regular meeting of the Expert Community project “Light Industry of Belarus: Challenges and Risks” in BelTA's press center on 1 April.

The Bellegprom representative commented on a possibility to export medical masks. “Our task is to meet our own needs, so that people will be able to buy masks in state-run and private pharmacies. This is our priority now,” she emphasized.

Svetlana Kakhro added that private companies also got involved. “These are the companies with underutilized capacities that have sewing equipment and staff. We help them launch production of face masks,” she said.

Gauze for face masks is made by the Baranovichi Cotton Production Association (Blakit), bandages are produced by Mogilev-based Lenta. Blakit has increased gauze production 2.5 times. The company also launched the production of fabric that can be used instead of gauze due to special treatment.

Some of companies affiliated with Bellegprom were repurposed to produce face masks. The output is growing and now it stands at 300,000 items a day. Last week Grodno-based MedLen rolled out disposable mask filters made of cotton and linen to enhance the protective properties of medical masks. At the same time, Bellegprom points out that it is not overfocused on mask production; the concern's product assortment remains the same.

The developments on the global market could not but have an impact on the Belarusian light industry concern. The whole situation is rather stressful for the concern, however, the concern believes that the domestic economy and consumers can benefit from it in some way. For example, domestic companies will be able to increase their market share on the domestic market, which will contribute to the country's import substitution effort.

A reminder, in order to supply Belarusian pharmacies with as many medical masks as needed, Bellegprom decided to temporarily repurpose some of its companies in order to increase the output of medical products. Now face masks will be made by 15 companies. The aggregate daily output is to be 550,000 masks.

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Virus situation in Vitebsk Oblast absolutely manageable, medics know what to do

The situation in Vitebsk Oblast is absolutely manageable, medics understand what needs to be done, BelTA learned from Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Natalya Kochanova on 31 March.

The head of the upper chamber of the Belarusian parliament visited Vitebsk Oblast the other day upon instructions of the head of state in order to find out the state of affairs in the region. Healthcare Minister Vladimir Karanik is also in Vitebsk. “The situation is absolutely manageable. Medics understand what needs to be done,” Natalya Kochanova said. “Some websites report that Vitebsk Oblast has been closed, that nobody can get in our out. It is fake news that bear no resemblance to reality.”

In Vitebsk Natalya Kochanova went to healthcare institutions and was made familiar with the work of the labs that now make coronavirus test kits. “Certainly, there were issues that needed adjustment. We've decided that labs will be opened in all the oblast capitals in order to get results from coronavirus tests faster. This is why there is nothing extraordinary, the situation is absolutely manageable and under control,” the senator stated.

A theater actor died in Vitebsk the day before. He had been diagnosed with the coronavirus, this is why the head of state pays close attention to the state of affairs in the region. As he met with Natalya Kochanova, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “I am not saying it is some catastrophe. Vitebsk Oblast has a different climate and the morbidity peak has shifted a bit. Yes, some errors were made. I would like to hear about them. The healthcare minister is working there today. I've sent him and specialists there. I want them to pay attention, analyze things and make conclusions.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked the elderly man had also had other co-existing diseases. “The wife is healthy, she was living together with the husband, the daughter is healthy. Because they have a strong immune system. But he, poor guy, didn't make it. He was hospitalized with a bad case of pneumonia, his lungs were artificially ventilated, medics worked hard to save him,” he added.

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed it is necessary to take good care of the elderly in the current situation. “Not because they are old but because their immune systems are weak. And then they have a bunch of illnesses,” he said.

Monday, 30 March 2020

Foreign ministry sets up website section for Belarusians stranded abroad

A dedicated section for Belarusians who need help with returning home has been launched on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, BelTA has learned.

Travel restrictions aimed to curb the coronavirus spread are in place in many countries around the world. Thus, many people cannot return home, including Belarusians.

In order to encapsulate information about those who need help and to get specific data that will be needed for arranging repatriation missions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs set up a special form on its website. The page is available through the link

Belarusians who need help are recommended to provide information about themselves, their whereabouts, their visas and tickets. All the applications will be processed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Friday, 27 March 2020

Over 30 people recover from coronavirus in Belarus

Thirty-two coronavirus patients have recovered in Belarus as of 27 March, BelTA learned from the press service of the Healthcare Ministry.

“As of today, 32 patients have already been discharged or are about to be discharged from hospital. They tested positive for COVID-19, but after medical observation and treatment their new tests came back negative,” the press service noted.

At present 62 coronavirus patients receive treatment and remain under medical observation.

About 24,000 tests for coronavirus have been carried out in Belarus.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Belarus' Bobruisk Biotechnology Plant almost triples antiseptics output in early 2020

Bobruisk Biotechnology Plant has almost tripled the output of antiseptics since the beginning of the year, having produced around 53,000 bottles, BelTA learned from Aleksandr Kazusenok, the deputy director for ideology, personnel, and general matters at Bobruisk Biotechnology Plant.

“In the wake of the current epidemiological situation and high demand for medical products we have ramped up the output of antiseptics almost by three times, with 3,000 items produced daily. In 2019, the enterprise produced around 105,000 bottles of antiseptics. This year we have already made 53,000 bottles,” Aleksandr Kazusenok said. “The enterprise is currently working round the clock. All products are sold domestically,” he added.

Antiseptics (70% of ethanol) of Bobruisk Biotechnology Plant are supplied to Belarusian hospitals and polyclinics to clean operating theaters and medical instruments. Antiseptics go in packages of various size.

Moreover, the plant has launched the production of hand sanitizers (65% of ethanol), making 8,000 bottles up to 1 liter a day. Plans are in place to boost the production of hand sanitizers from next week and expand the range of sizes.

Hand sanitizers made by Bobruisk Biotechnology Plant are available in Belarusian retail chains. The plant also runs its own store in Bobruisk that daily sells more than 700 bottles of hand sanitizers.

The enterprise focuses on the quality of the product. Specialists at the enterprise's laboratories evaluate the quality of raw materials and end products. “Strict quality control enables us to make competitive and popular products,” Aleksandr Kazusenok stressed. The laboratories are also working round the clock now.

Bobruisk Biotechnology Plant is a multi-profile enterprise that makes products for the pharmaceutical industry, food industry, and agriculture. The plant exports its products to the CIS and EU member states. In 2019, its export topped $974,000. The plant employs 440 people.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Around 23,000 COVID-19 tests performed in Belarus

Around 23,000 COVID-19 tests have been carried out in Belarus, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Healthcare Ministry.

As of 25 March, 29 patients have already been discharged or are getting ready to be discharged from the hospital. Their tests came back negative. “Another 57 people are under medical observation and getting treatment,” the press service said.

Two more patients are being tested further due to the ambiguity of the results of their tests.