The population of the region is 37,000 (10,500 are town dwellers and 25,900 are rural population). Of them 16,800 are men and 20,500 women.
Some 94.9% of the population are Belarusians, 3.6% Russians, 0.7% Ukrainians and 0.8% other ethnicities.
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6
8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00
Phone: Fax: Telephone «hot line»: E-mail:The population of the region is 37,000 (10,500 are town dwellers and 25,900 are rural population). Of them 16,800 are men and 20,500 women.
Some 94.9% of the population are Belarusians, 3.6% Russians, 0.7% Ukrainians and 0.8% other ethnicities.