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Friday, 13 March 2020

Lukashenko wants more efficiency from Belarusian police

The number of those who want to shatter the Belarusian state from the inside is not decreasing, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he heard out a report of Interior Affairs Minister Yuri Karayev on 13 March, BelTA has learned.

“Some time ago we agreed that as soon as you get fully acquainted with the state of affairs, you will report on the situation and tell me what you need. I think that you, having analyzed the results of the previous year, can already make corresponding conclusions and say what else is needed to be done in the law enforcement to make police more efficient,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The head of state remarked that there are drawbacks in the operation of all state bodies, including police. “But we cannot do without police because police inspectors work with people, ministers are not isolated from the society. Without police we cannot ensure stability in our society,” the president is convinced.

In his words, this does not even pertain to certain political campaigns: many campaigns were held in the country, and this one will also take place in a calm way. “We need to look further – stable society is a priority. We need to keep both eyes open: the number of those who want to shatter our state from the inside is not decreasing. Unfortunately, the majority of those who are willing to do so are the so-called Belarusian citizens. It is even difficult to call them citizens. Everything is bad for them, the only thing they want to do is to criticize the authorities and disintegrate the society, to make worse. They use any moment. I read various statements of such people not only in the Internet, but also in the so-called mass media,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “Therefore, I believe that police are playing a huge role in ensuring stability in our society.”

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Belarus' ambassador takes part in Victory campaign in Hungary

Belarus' Ambassador to Hungary Aleksandr Ponomarev has taken part in the Celebrating Common Victory international campaign timed to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory and visited the graves of Soviet soldiers in the towns of Kaposvar and Szekesfehervar, BelTA learned from the Belarusian diplomatic mission.

“Soil from the burial places was taken to be given to the All Saints Church in Minsk. About 80,000 Soviet soldiers and officers gave their lives to free Hungary from Nazism,” the diplomatic mission informed.

The ambassador met with senior officials of Kaposvar and Szekesfehervar and local activists and held talks at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Fejer County.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Belarus' government approves draft agreement on IBRD loan to upgrade higher education

The Council of Ministers of Belarus has approved a draft agreement with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) on a loan to finance the investment project to upgrade higher education in Belarus. Appropriate Resolution No.135 of 9 March 2020 was officially posted on the National Legal Internet Portal on 11 March, BelTA has learned.

Plans are in place to raise the IBRD loan of €100 million for 14.5 years in 2020-2025. The Belarusian Education Ministry shall be responsible for negotiating the draft agreement, making the necessary, but not major amendments to it, and signing the document once the parties reach an agreement within the scope of the approved draft.

The resolution came into force on the day of its adoption.

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Lukashenko presents passports to young Belarusians

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko presented passports to young Belarusian nationals in a solemn ceremony in the Palace of Independence, BelTA has learned.

Taking part in the event were 25 Belarusians over 14 years old. They came to Minsk from all over Belarus a day before. Despite the young age they have already achieved a lot in the academic field, art, and sports.

Aleksandr Lukashenko personally handed over the passports to each of the attendees. He noted that at all times this document has been associated with the first step into an adult life.

“I know that you have achieved certain success in studies, sport, community leadership. It is great, you deserve the highest praise. I am confident that your biggest victories are still ahead. The state has made sure that you will be able to take any road you want. Everything else depends on your personal determination, perseverance and hard work,” the president said. The head of state emphasized that all the students who were invited to the Palace of Independence have earned this invitation through their achievements. “There are no random people here. You are the people who know how to work hard, you can be an example for others and you can take the lead,” he said.

The president noted that the previous generations did everything so that the youth could be proud of their country. “Now it is your turn to develop the country and to bring fame to it, and to defend it in the future and in the present. Maybe, you have never thought about such important things as national identity or independence of the state before. However, as soon as you were born, you became the part of the Belarusian nation who would shape the country's present and future. After realizing that, you will find a new meaning in the first words of the Constitution: “We, the people of Belarus”. After all, these people are everyone who lives now, who lived before and who will live on this land after we are gone. Therefore, we are one and the future of our country depends on everyone of us,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The president is confident that no matter what career a person chooses, the main mission of a citizen is to serve their country. “Patriotism is not about talking about love for the Motherland (although this should be discussed, too). This is about everyday work in the interests of the Motherland, preservation of its historical and cultural traditions and protection of interests of the state and people's lives - all the values that had to be defended by our ancestors with weapons in their hands,” Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized. He recalled the heroism of those who defeated fascism 75 years ago saving Belarusians from extermination. “Due to them we stayed alive and free. I am convinced that you will cherish this legacy the way we do,” the Belarusian leader said.

“Looking at you I see a new, positive, talented and ambitious Belarus. This makes me happy, just like your parents. Go forward, towards your goal, never give up and, most importantly, never be afraid of anything or anyone. Believe in yourself, believe that if you go forward, you will always find someone who will help you in your native land, in Belarus,” the president said addressing the young Belarusians.

Student of Secondary School No. 1 of Bykhov Dmitry Ivanov noted during the ceremony that he was happy to be part of this event. He said that he contributes to a school newspaper. He asked for a common photo with the president and promised to send a new issue of the newspaper to the head of state.

All the participants of the event received gifts from the head of state - the book I Am the Citizen of the Republic of Belarus and chocolate sets, as well as heart-felt wishes. “You can be journalists, artists, engineers, agronomists – our country will need people of all professions. I wish you many successes and most importantly, happiness. Take your time while making career decisions. You still have plenty of time for that. Otherwise you might repeat my mistake: make a hasty decision and then have to study again,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

After the solemn ceremony the students were taken on an excursion through the Palace of Independence and visited a special museum displaying gifts given to the Belarusian president by other country leaders, heads of foreign delegations, and well-known people from various spheres.

The ceremony took place in the run-up to Constitution Day that is marked in Belarus on 15 March.

The first ceremony of this kind took place in 2019, the year when the country marked the 25th anniversary of its constitution.

Monday, 09 March 2020

Lukashenko: Belarus has many proposals for oil supplies, processing

Belarus has a lot of proposals for oil supplies and processing, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Chairman of the Belarusian state petrochemical concern Belneftekhim Andrei Rybakov and Vice Premier Yuri Nazarov on 7 March, BelTA has learned.

“The topic of today's conversation, as you know, is the supply of hydrocarbons, primarily oil, to Belarus. I have received a number of proposals for the supply of oil and processing in Belarus. There are many such proposals at present, thanks God. I would like to coordinate some issues with you and ask for your advice on what is the best option for us (whether to buy this oil or not) and what is more economically profitable for us,” said the head of state.

 “I think that we will find the right solution. I have asked you to come at the weekend because the issue is urgent. We have to make a decision and buy this oil on Monday-Tuesday. The volumes are large - over 6 million tonnes,” Aleksandr Lukashenko added.

On 3 March Aleksandr Lukashenko held a meeting to discuss ways to streamline the operation of the oil processing industry in Belarus in 2020 and in the future.

He said then that certain states realized that with the help of an oil pipeline valve they can solve issues of interest in a much easier way. Unfortunately, in spite of any mutual obligations, such practices are also used in relation to Belarus. The domestic fuel market and the operation of chemical and other enterprises depend on hydrocarbon raw materials. “We became fixated on several suppliers for no reason and do not have alternative sources of raw materials. Oil is not an exclusive product. There are enough people who are willing to work with us even in Russia. We need to find suppliers and come an agreement with them. This is number one priority, especially amid this complicated situation in the world, including with our monopolist partner,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The head of state stressed that hard work is also needed in respect to import logistics. The matter requires not only oil transportation agreements, but also comprehensive and systematic infrastructure decisions. It is necessary to mull over the possibility to implement joint projects with foreign owners of raw materials.

Friday, 06 March 2020

Azerbaijan's SOCAR to deliver 250,000t of oil to Belarus in March

The Azerbaijani company SOCAR is set to ship 250,000 tonnes of oil to Belarus in March, BelTA learned from Press Secretary of the Belarusian state petrochemical concern Belneftekhim Aleksandr Tishchenko.

Thursday, 05 March 2020

Belarus' commitment to integration, with focus on national interests emphasized

Belarus will remain committed to integration processes while safeguarding its own interests, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Stanislav Zas on 5 March, BelTA has learned.

“Since Belarus is presiding in all integration bodies this year, our country will do it with dignity,” Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized. “As before, we will remain committed to integration processes, including in the military sector, while safeguarding our own interests. You know who pushes republics located around this integrator to this super pragmatic position.”

According to the president, it is essential to look out for Belarus' interests in all integration associations. In his words, right now these interests are absolutely in sync with the interests of neighboring countries, especially CSTO members. “They are in sync with the interests of Russia, other CSTO members. And they don't really contradict the interests of Ukraine, our main southern neighbor. At least, we have been doing and will be doing everything for peace and accord in Ukraine,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “This is our position stemming from the mentality of Belarusian people.”

Russia will host the CSTO summit in 2020. In this regard, the president asked for information about the agenda of the forum and about the efforts to promote Belarus' proposals regarding the development of the organization. In particular, Belarus is advocating for strengthening the authority of the CSTO, expanding its interaction with other associations. And the implementation of the resolution concerning the legal status of a CSTO partner and a CSTO observer, which was initiated by Belarus, can be very useful here. “What is the progress on the matter? It would be great to handle these issues at the next summit,” the Belarusian leader said.

The head of state also asked Stanislav Zas about the organization of work at the CSTO. “If any personnel decisions are needed, please tell me, and I will initiate them at the next meeting. I will discuss this topic with Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin], other presidents to have a clear picture. If the secretariat continues to work like before, the Collective Security Treaty Organization will do the same. Neither the situation nor the time permits procrastination,” Aleksandr Lukashenko noted.

Before speaking about the operation of the CSTO, Belarusian Stanislav Zas shared his impressions about the first business trip to his home country. He said it was very unusual for him to come to Belarus as a guest. “Frankly speaking, I am a bit homesick. I am not used to these realities yet,” the CSTO secretary general said.

CSTO countries will hold several joint events this year to rev up efforst against collective security challenges and threats. One of them is the traditional anti-drug operation “Channel”. It will take place in two stages: police are planning to contain the “northern flow” of drugs from Afghanistan and take measures to prevent the spread of synthetic drugs. Headquarters will be located in Dushanbe and Saint Petersburg. Besides, the schedule includes operations to prevent illegal migration and cybercrimes also known as “Illegal” and “Proxy”.

A number of exercises will take place within the framework of a plan of joint training of administrative bodies and collective security forces. Armenia will host the headquarters exercise “Interaction”, the special exercise involving intelligence forces “Search”, and the special exercise involving the supply and technical maintenance division of the CSTO Collective Forces “Echelon”. Kyrgyzstan will host the exercise of the rapid response forces of the Central Asian region “Frontier”. Belarus will host the headquarters exercise involving the CSTO peacemaking forces “Inviolable Brotherhood”. A plan of events also includes the special exercise involving rescue divisions of the Emergencies Ministry and the special tactical training exercise involving special operations forces “Cobalt”.

Wednesday, 04 March 2020

Lukashenko extends Police Day greetings

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has extended Police Day greetings to current members and veterans of law enforcement bodies, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader.

“Each day and hour you are at the forefront  of crime fighting efforts. By protecting law and order, constitutional rights, freedoms and lives of people, you make a meaningful contribution to maintaining stability and strengthening sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Belarus,” the message reads.

The head of state is confident that law enforcement members will remain capable of efficiently addressing all the challenges and threats and will serve their country with honor and commitment, in keeping with their glorious traditions.

“On this day I wish all police members and veterans, as well as their family members, good health, family happiness and many successes in this difficult, but very important work for the benefit of our country and people,” Aleksandr Lukashenko underlined.

Tuesday, 03 March 2020

Lukashenko invites Bulgaria president to visit Belarus

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent greetings to Bulgaria President Rumen Radev as the country celebrates Liberation Day on 3 March, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader.

“The long history of peaceful coexistence of our peoples and numerous human ties give us today a unique opportunity to significantly deepen cooperation in various directions,” the message runs.

The head of state invited the Bulgarian leader to work on joint projects in trade, investment, science and technology, energy, logistics, education and tourism. “We will be happy to welcome you in hospitable Belarus to discuss a wide range of issues on the bilateral and international agenda,” the president said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko wished Rumen Radev strong health and every success on his responsible post, and also peace and prosperity to the Bulgarian nation.

Monday, 02 March 2020

Lukashenko congratulates Kazakhstan's Assembly of People on 25th anniversary

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent greetings to first president of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev as the organization celebrates the 25th anniversary, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader.

“Founded upon your initiative, this organization has a unique and unparalleled history. It consolidated the potential of the society for the sake of state development, evolved into an authoritative institution of international relations,” the message of greetings reads. “Preservation of cultures, languages and traditions of numerous ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan, respect for the rights and liberties of citizens are effective tools for the maintenance of accord in the country and stability in the Eurasian region.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko thanked Nursultan Nazarbayev for supporting Belarusians who found their second Motherland in Kazakhstan and wished him strong health, kindness and every success. He also wished all people of Kazakhstan peace and prosperity.