
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


In Minsk Oblast, the educational project Mobile STEM Class is gaining momentum

The project is a joint initiative of the Minsk Regional Institute for the Development of Education and the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank. It aims to popularize STEM education.
The aim of the project is to increase the number of STEM teachers in the Minsk region to implement a modern model of STEM learning, which involves the formation of interdisciplinary knowledge among schoolchildren for successful project work in the field of scientific and engineering technologies. Teachers of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University, the Minsk Regional Institute for the Development of Education and the best teachers of the Minsk Region “arm themselves” with special equipment and go to educational institutions in the capital region, where they train teachers in robotics, programming, 3D modeling, augmented and virtual reality and other areas. Training takes the form of a three-day practice-oriented seminar. The mobile STEM class has already visited educational institutions in the Cherven and Pukhovich districts. On November 25-27, he is accepted by gymnasium No. 1 of Lyuban. It should be noted that the work of the mobile STEM-class in the central region is gaining momentum. Teachers are interested in the project, aimed at developing scientific and engineering areas of STEM education in their educational institutions. Mobile STEM-class departures are held according to a previously planned plan. Any educational institution can take part in the activities of the project.