A similar meeting has already been held in the Minsk Central District Hospital on October 10. Based on its results, a number of questions were formulated that came from citizens and needed to be addressed. This meeting began precisely with their discussion. The results of monitoring the work of the Minsk Central District Hospital were also announced.
The head physician of the hospital, Garik Barsamyan, spoke about the innovations that followed as a result of the work done. In particular, the number of coupons for primary reception has been increased from 70 to 80%. This allowed us to more quickly and better provide medical care to the population.
Some of the questions received from citizens, according to the head physician, required simply a more detailed explanation. Garik Barsamyan emphasized that the information of interest to the population is publicly available on the hospital’s website. He also noted that in October-November of this year, 19 appeals were received from citizens, of which 6 - thanks to the employees of the Central District Hospital.
“These appeals,” said the head physician, “helped us to understand in which aspects we were deficient, where we need to increase attention.
He noted that there is a shortage of personnel, however, such a problem is being monitored and solved. For example, the state has three ophthalmologists - a pediatric and two adults. When the pediatric ophthalmologist left, the load on the two remaining doctors increased. They conducted a mixed reception - both children and adults. And later, an ophthalmologist from the military registration and enlistment office was invited to help them. Thus, the problem of the lack of a specialized doctor was solved.
Deputy Chairman of the Borovlyansky Village Council Sergei Kondrashin confirmed the words of the head physician that crowding near the registry is observed from 7:30 to 7:50. This is due to the fact that before the start of the working day, people go to make an appointment and come precisely at 7:30. He also voiced another problem: at peak hours of the clinic, it is difficult to get through to certain doctors.
Sergey Kondrashin formulated a number of proposals that can solve the identified problems. Among them is to consider the issue of PBX equipment and programming in order to solve the “telephone issue”. The caller will hear not short beeps, but an answering machine that asks you to wait a bit on the line until one of the specialists is free. The head doctor explained that the financial costs of this procedure are already planned for next year. In 2020, in order to remove part of the load from the Minsk Central District Hospital, they plan to build a 6-storey clinic in Borovlyany.
“Design estimates are already being developed,” said Vladimir Yurgevich, Acting Chairman of the Minsk District Executive Committee. - It is planned that by mid-December it will already be filed with the relevant authorities.
In addition, in 2020 it is planned to overhaul the reception department of the Minsk Central District Hospital. The update will be phased, so there will be no problems with receiving patients. Already in December, it is planned to choose a general contracting organization and then proceed with the repair.
In addition, a large-scale construction will be in Ozeryets. At this stage, pre-project work is carried out, next year it is planned to develop design estimates for the construction of a healthcare institution. And in Khotezhino, a new clinic will be commissioned by the New Year, Vladimir Yurgevich promised.
Written by minsk-region.gov.by