
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


The construction of Nezhin mining and processing complex continues in Lyuban region


At the moment, they are laying railway tracks, erecting water supply facilities and administrative buildings. At the same time, shaft shafts are being drilled at an average pace of 3 m per day.

It should be noted that Slavkali’s investment volume for this year is $ 400 million. Among the key facilities that will begin to be built are energy and enrichment plants.

According to Sergey Garbatsevich, deputy director for the construction of Slavkali LLC, after the installation of two transformers and their commissioning, the mine will be ready for both sinking and energy supply, the factory will be provided with temporary and permanent power supply. That will ensure the start-up and commissioning of the installed equipment.

By the way, Nezhin MPC will become the second enterprise in Belarus in the extraction of potash ore and the production of potash fertilizers. Here they will produce up to 2 million tons of potassium chloride per year.