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Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

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+375 (1719) 28-2-60


Trade unions of Borisov region assisted physicians by more than 3 thousand rubles


Another help was provided by the trade unions to the doctors, this time at Borisov Hospital No. 2. Now it is allocated for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 and pneumonia.

Chairman of Belarusian Trade Union of Workers of State and Other Institutions Sergey Kholyavo handed over protective plague suits (full cycle) to the hospital management.

“Your help is very important for them,” Anastasia Kopikova, deputy chairman of the Borisov regional executive committee, thanked the trade unions for their help. - After all, disposable remedies quickly end, and they are always necessary. Therefore welcome any help.

- To help Belarusian doctors, the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus announced the “Let's Win Together” campaign. A charity account has been opened where unions of all industries, including us, transfer funds. For example, not long ago, we transferred money from this fund to purchase three meals a day for workers at the Chervensky boarding house, ”said Sergey Kholyavo.

Throughout the month, trade union organizations actively provide material and moral support to healthcare institutions in connection with the epidemiological situation. In order to coordinate their activities, a regional headquarters was created in Borisov.

“Each primary trade union organization allocates 2% of its funds, and at a headquarters meeting a decision is made which of the medical institutions in the region needs to be helped with the purchase of everything necessary,” said Elena Zyablikova, chairman of the Borisov District Union of Trade Union Organizations and a member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. - For example, wall irradiators, hand care products, and medical caps were purchased at hospital No. 2. In the boarding house for the disabled and senior citizens “Yuzefovo” - hygienic disinfectants, gloves, fruits, Easter cakes. In the center and the Borisov Regional Center for Epidemiology - masks and disinfectants. More than three thousand Belarusian rubles have already been spent from this “mutual assistance fund”. Work will continue further. Already purchased fruit (600 rubles), which will be transferred on May 1 to doctors of Borisov hospital number 2.