
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


Minsk Oblast launched an action aimed at popularizing reading

In Minsk Oblast, an inter-regional network action “SUMMER FOR ten with a plus, or the Club of excellent students READING”, aimed at popularizing books and reading among the younger generation, as well as promoting the library’s activities on the Internet and social networks, has started.

The organizers of the action were network communities of school librarians of Minsk Oblast and the city of Minsk: “Chekhov Town. Network community of creative librarians of the Minsk region ”(blog of the Minsk regional branch of the section of librarians of institutions of general secondary education of the NGO“ Belarusian Pedagogical Society ”, GUO“ Ostroshitsko-Gorodok Secondary School ”); "# Biblio Planeta. Community of school librarians in Borisov and Borisov district ”(blog of the methodological association of school librarians in Borisov and Borisov district); “School librarians of the city of Minsk. Network Community. ” The action is held under the patronage of the section of librarians of institutions of general secondary education of the Belarusian Pedagogical Society.

Goals and objectives of the action:

  • popularization of library activities, including online format, promotion of books and reading during the summer holidays;
  • supporting the process of social reading, as an effective and popular form of interaction between the library and readers;
  • familiarization of children and adolescents with reading the best national and world samples of literary heritage, popularization of modern authors and publications;
  • development of the creative potential of library specialists and various age groups of users.

The result of the action will be the joint creation of an interactive "reader diary", which will present the best examples of children's and teenage literature for reading during the summer holidays. The Reader’s Diary will include interactive postcards, posters and posters, author’s videos (online reading, media presentation, photo story, book trailer).

To participate in the action are invited library workers, teachers, students.

You can read more about the conditions of the action on the blog  “Chekhov Town. Network community of creative librarians of Minsk Oblast”.