
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

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+375 (1719) 28-2-60


Alexander Turchin: «If there are those who want to buy BELAZ, then only to eliminate a competitor»


BELAZ is the enterprise that should remain in the hands of the state.

This opinion was expressed by the chairman of Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Alexander Turchin during a conversation with the labor collective of the plant. Together with the head of the region, the leader of the Belarusian mechanical engineering was visited by the Minister of Industry Petr Parkhomchik.

Alexander Turchin and Petr Parkhomchik refused to visit the museum of the enterprise and went straight to the production line. The head of the region got acquainted with the production process and the prospects for the development of the enterprise, visited several shops, including the mechanical assembly shop No. 1, thermo-galvanic, press and the main conveyor shop. The visit turned out to be unusual - Petr Parkhomchik is familiar with the work of the enterprise like no other. For more than 12 years he was in charge of the BELAZ plant, and on June 4 he was appointed Minister of Industry of Belarus. By the way, Petr Parkhomchik's official visit to this enterprise was the first after his appointment.

Alexander Turchin also talked with the team of the enterprise.

— BELAZ is not only a Belarusian, but also a global brand. We are proud that there is such a production facility in the region. This is one of the strategic enterprises of our country, which in its share occupies 30% of the world market. And this is our pride. It is impossible to call this year any extraordinary event, because in the history of BELAZ these periods are usually repeated. And the company always gets out of these situations with honor. I think that next year, and maybe in the second half of this year, there will be positive dynamics in the development of the enterprise, — Alexander Turchin said.

The chairman of the regional executive committee is convinced that BELAZ is the enterprise that should remain in the hands of the state.

- I am a supporter of a market economy, but with regard to BELAZ I have a firm conviction that the enterprise should remain in the hands of the state. Such a campaign as BELAZ is a large transnational corporation that competes with global brands. This is a very serious company. If there are those who want to buy it, probably only in order to eliminate competitors from this market. Those competencies and the experience accumulated by the enterprise, which allow making such complex machines, are worth a lot.

One of the main topics discussed at the meeting was the expansion of the range and range of products. There is movement in this direction. This year the company plans to bring a new product to the market.

The chairman of the regional executive committee drew attention not only to the development of the plant, but also to the city as a whole. He noted that a new polyclinic is being built in Zhodino, which will be commissioned next year, residential buildings are being built, and courtyards and streets are being improved. Alexander Turchin asked what the residents of Zhodino still lack, as well as those who come to work from the surrounding areas.

- In any, even a small regional center, residents have ideas for improvement, construction of social infrastructure. I am ready to discuss all these questions and give answers to them, - said the chairman of Minsk Oblast Executive Committee.

OJSC "BELAZ" - the management company of the holding "BELAZ-HOLDING" - the world's largest manufacturer of mining dump trucks and transport equipment for the mining and construction industries. The company owns 30% of the world market of heavy-duty mining dump trucks, and the geography of equipment supplies is more than 80 countries. The next breakthrough of the Belarusian car industry was the creation of unmanned quarry equipment. And literally at the beginning of July it became known that the BELAZ car got into the Guinness Book of Records. Dump truck weight - 810 tons, power - 4,600 horsepower. These parameters placed the car at the top of the ranking of the largest cars.