
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

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+375 (1719) 28-2-60


Maryina Gorka regional forum was held volunteer movement "Generations Ties"


Maryina Gorka on the regional forum of the volunteer movement "Generations Ties" was attended by representatives of the volunteer movement in all districts of Minsk region: Director pivot territorial social services, First Secretary of Belarusian Republican Youth Union.

The event's participants worked in four thematic platforms, where they discussed the organization of the volunteer movement in the institutions and analysis, as well as volunteer assistance to the elderly, disabled and children with special needs. In the neighborhood Novaya Zarya in Marina Gorka gain strength young maple and mountain ash. Representatives of three generations have planted these trees in the spring - in the year of a small country. Alley "We - together" is conceived as a place where they will meet couples, where pleasure will become a vacation for families with children, will walk grandparents with grandchildren loved. For planting the organizers have chosen maple and mountain ash, which, in their opinion, represent the masculine and feminine beauty thoroughness.

The greening of the neighborhood to actively participate and volunteers. Who, if not us? Among those who laid the young alley - activist Maringorskaya agro-technical college. Recently, students have planted the alley of young Dubkov on campus. Guys multiply the treasury of good works. The forum participants got acquainted with the traditions of volunteerism in this educational institution. - Guys volunteer detachment pleased WWII veteran Vladislav Vasiliev, who is now 96 years old. We came to visit a respected person with fragrant basket of apples collected in the fruit nursery of our college. That autumn day, volunteers visited the peculiar home Opening Day.

On the walls were pictures of 22, the owner of the apartment written. 2 paintings Vladislav prepared to present our educational institutions. At the meeting, a war veteran told the children about his life, about creativity, dollars wise college students living tips. Members of volunteer groups also assisted in the infield veteran labor Larisa Domarkovoy - about good deeds youth told the deputy director on educational work Maringorskaya State Agrarian Technical College Tatiana Kudrin. The volunteer college squad has become a tradition to collect gifts for the New Year holidays for children Pukhovichi children's social shelter. Activists also willing to participate in raids on the improvement of their small country, located on the Marina Hills street with action "Clean City". Friendly college team together with the military-patriotic association "Memory" Pukhovichi district and organization of NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" put things in order in the mass graves Tract Baruslov.

- I am sure that the experience and expertise of each member of the volunteer movement can have a positive impact on the overall level of self-awareness. The main purpose of the volunteer movement - the formation of young people a sense of compassion and selfless solutions to society's problems, - said Tatiana Kudrin. It's nice to be needed I am sincerely glad to help people who find themselves in difficult situations, volunteers movement BRSM "Good Heart", which the Minsk region is now more 4600. One of the highlights initiative - Charity Marathon "All colors of life for you", which collects funds for children with health problems. - It is noteworthy that in this forum involves both young and elderly volunteers, so it is called "Generations". Delegates can learn from experience, to communicate, to learn something new. we hope to awaken through this event to children who: have not entered the path of the volunteer, the idea that volunteering may be their vocation.

After all, to compel this case is impossible. The man himself, voluntarily, should be ready to spend their time and energy for the benefit of society or specific need - said the second secretary of the Minsk Regional Committee of Belarusian Republican Youth Union, Vladimir Bogdanov. When the heart does not want to rest, replenish the ranks of retired volunteers. For example, in Smolevichi territorial centers for older volunteers, a lot of teachers. After retirement, they did not leave their craft and continue to teach for free the elderly: are Nordic walking clubs and the English language. In the treasury of good works Smolevichi volunteers, retirees and a master class in home economics for orphans, the action "Warm comfort", during which volunteers collected warm clothes and tied socks for guests compartment hour stay elderly and disabled people in the village Zhazhelka.

Retired enthusiasts also provided short-term care for children with disabilities. - supervise the Orthodox Club "The road to the temple" when the volunteer squad, where talking to various Christian themes, watch Christian movies - says volunteers Smolevichsky TTSSON, a former teacher Olga Volosyuk. - Our volunteer detachment in the Department of day care for elderly citizens are united socially active people who are eager to carry the benefit of society. He is in some measure complements the services provided by the center. Volunteers buy drugs, accompanied by charges TTSSON d health facilities, for a walk, organize their holiday concerts.