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Wednesday, 29 June 2022

First graduates of Uzbekistan-Belarus faculty receive diplomas in Tashkent

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Uzbekistan Leonid Marinich took part in the solemn ceremony of presenting diplomas to the first graduates of the Uzbekistan-Belarus faculty Innovative Pedagogy at Nizami Tashkent State Pedagogical University, BelTA learned from the Belarusian embassy in Uzbekistan.

Addressing the graduates, Leonid Marinich noted that the establishment of the faculty was the result of strong partnerships and successful cooperation between Tashkent State Pedagogical University and Belarusian State Pedagogical University. The ambassador emphasized that every year Belarusian universities welcome thousands of foreign students. Among them there are many young people from Uzbekistan.

According to the diplomat, the example of the joint faculty demonstrates that Belarus' relations with Uzbekistan can be even closer, and training in joint programs more accessible. “I think that Belarus has now become closer and more understandable to you, and you were able to discover something about it, find new friends. We see real, sincere friends of Belarus in you,” Leonid Marinich said addressing the graduates.

He also noted that cooperation between the universities of the two countries is an important factor in the efforts to promote Belarus-Uzbekistan humanitarian ties.

The graduation ceremony was also attended by teachers and curators of the joint project from Belarusian State Pedagogical University, representatives of the Belarusian diaspora in Uzbekistan.

The Uzbekistan-Belarus faculty Innovative Pedagogy opened at Tashkent State Pedagogical University in 2018 as part of a cooperation agreement between Belarusian State Pedagogical University and Tashkent State Pedagogical University. The joint faculty provides training based on the 3+1 formula in speech therapy, psychology and preschool education. Graduates receive two diplomas.

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Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Belarus' KGB adds Sergei Tikhanovsky to list of terrorists

The State Security Committee of Belarus (KGB) has added Sergei Tikhanovsky to the list of individuals who are involved in terrorist activities, BelTA learned from the KGB website.

The list includes a total of 870 natural persons.

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Monday, 27 June 2022

CSTO countries to stage cyber security technical drill in H2 2022

The Collective Security Treaty Organization countries intend to stage a technical drill in the area of cyber security, CSTO Press Secretary Vladimir Zainetdinov told BelTA after a session of the Council of the CSTO Computer Incident Response Coordination and Consultation Center took place on 23-24 June. Delegations representing the relevant national agencies took part in it.

Members of the council discussed the concept and preparations for the forthcoming technical drill in cyber security, which is scheduled to take place in H2 2022. They shared positive experience of ensuring the protection of national critical information infrastructure installations against cyber threats. They also shared information about computer incidents in information spaces of the CSTO member states and information and analysis materials provided by national contact points.

Members of the council discussed current threats to cyber security such as phishing and Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. They compared the current situation to last year's. The importance of further development of information interaction in detecting, preventing, and alleviating consequences of computer attacks and in responding to computer incidents was stressed.

Participants of the session looked into the essence of attacks. They noted it is important to raise the awareness of users about cyber security matters. Information about national approaches to counteracting the operation of phishing resources was shared. Members of the council also discussed the measures needed to fight bot networks. Importance of cooperation with telecommunication companies was stressed. National approaches and practices used by the CSTO member states were reviewed.

The session was hosted by Armenia. Members of the council were made familiar with a software and hardware complex used to counteract cyber attacks through the example of an Armenian facility, which is part of the national critical information infrastructure and has been upgraded this year.

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Friday, 24 June 2022

Call to tap into Belarus' natural heritage to promote tourism

Belarus has a unique natural heritage and we can benefit from it, Belarusian Architecture and Construction Minister Ruslan Parkhamovich said during a tour of Grodnopromstroy construction company, BelTA learned from the press service of the Architecture and Construction Ministry.

Ruslan Parkhamovich got acquainted with the company's financial and economic performance and working conditions, and talked to the staff. The minister spoke about the cultural and natural heritage of Belarus as a factor to promote tourism."Natural heritage is of great value. Belarus is famous for its vast forests and numerous lakes. The head of state has repeatedly stressed that the natural landscape of Belarus is our wealth and pride," Ruslan Parkhamovich said.

The main guidelines and lines of work have been spelled out in the state program "Hospitable Belarus" for 2021-2025.

Ruslan Parkhamovich noted that promoting the inbound tourism product will make Belarus more interesting. "Belarus has a unique natural heritage and we can benefit from it," the minister added.

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Thursday, 23 June 2022

Belarusian, Russian defense ministers discuss political situation, preparations for joint exercise

Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu have discussed the military political situation and preparations for the Belarusian-Russian operational exercise Shchit Soyuza 2023 [Union Shield], the Defense Ministry told BelTA.

According to the source, during the meeting in Moscow the sides discussed the military political situation, matters of defense technology cooperation between the two ministries, preparations for the Belarusian-Russian operational exercise Shchit Soyuza 2023 [Union Shield], and the patriotic education of young people.

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Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Kochanova: We should not allow re-writing of history

Chair of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly Natalya Kochanova, members of the Presidium of the Council of the Republic, heads of regional, district and rural councils of deputies laid flowers at the Masyukovshchina memorial complex on 22 June, the day when Belarus marks the National Remembrance Day of the Victims of the Great Patriotic War and the Genocide of the Belarusian People, BelTA has learned.

“In our country, we remember everyone who died, all those who defended peace and freedom in our land, and we remember those who rebuilt our country in the post-war period. Therefore, we must never allow the re-writing of history, this is our sacred duty and we should pass it on from generation to generation so that people remember the price our country paid for its freedom and independence,” Natalya Kochanova said. According to her, the war brought sorrow to every Belarusian home and everything must be done to prevent catastrophes and suffering on our land.

The speaker noted that a meeting of the Presidium of the Council of the Republic to discuss the work of councils of deputy will be held on 22 June. Therefore, the heads of the regional, district and rural councils of deputies joined the event.

Natalya Kochanova emphasized that Belarus has invested enough efforts to promote patriotism, but the new time poses new challenges. “The patriotic upbringing of any person begins with the family. We were born in such a long-suffering country, where people endured so much grief and did everything to make it such a beautiful country today. Patriotism is first of all about love for one's homeland, people, country, family, relatives and friends, parents. That is what patriotism is about. However, we are living in a different environment today. The whole world is flooded by lies and disinformation. History is being rewritten, untruth is pouring out from various information channels and sources. You know, it is very hard to comprehend,” Natalya Kochanova said.

“We are not the ones to betray and to forget. We will always remember. It is true, the country's development strategy should be adjusted at each stage of its development. The world is changing, people are changing, our traditions are changing. But our attitude to the motherland must always remain the same as that of those who defended their country in 1941, and those who defend it today,” Natalya Kochanova added.

The Masyukovshchina memorial complex is a tribute to prisoners of war and civilians killed during the Great Patriotic War in Stalag-352, one of the biggest death camps in the Nazi-occupied territory of the USSR. The prisoners were subject to inhumane treatment and systematic torture. People were kept in barracks, barns and stalls. The death camp was overcrowded; therefore, many prisoners had to live in the open where they died of exposure, starvation and diseases. Over 80,000 soldiers and officers of the Red Army, as well as civilians driven from Minsk and surrounding villages were killed in Stalag-352 from July 1941 to 3 July 1944. From December 1943 to June 1944 the Nazi kept here Italian soldiers and officers who fought on the side of the Soviet Union.

The memorial is located in a small pine park. A set of steps leads to the granite monument and the Eternal Flame is lit in memory of the victims. The territory of the memorial also includes mass graves marked by black marble slabs. A white rotunda displaying the Book of Memory stands in the middle of the park. The book includes around 10,000 names of former prisoners of Stalag-352. However, names of over 70,000 victims of the concentration camp are still unknown.

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Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Andreichenko: Belarusian-Russian relations pass tough test of sanctions

Belarusian-Russian relations have passed a tough test of sanctions, Chairman of the House of Representatives Vladimir Andreichenko told the media following a meeting of the 62nd session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union State of Belarus and Russia in Minsk on 20 June, BelTA has learned.

Monday, 20 June 2022

Over 500 Ukrainians enter Belarus in past 24 hours

In the past 24 hours, over 500 citizens of Ukraine entered Belarus, BelTA learned from the State Border Committee of Belarus.

Friday, 17 June 2022

Number of electric vehicles in Belarus past 10,000

The number of electric vehicles in Belarus has exceeded 10,000, BelTA learned from Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich during the Electric Transport Day in Minsk on 17 June.

Viktor Karankevich said: “The number of participants of the exhibition grows higher every year. It once again underlines interest in the development of electric transport. Comfortable conditions have been enabled and stimulating measures are in effect for the sake of development of electric transport in our country. The number of electric vehicle charging stations increases every year, with 680 stations deployed across the country now. A presidential decree has identified the industrial group Belorusneft as the state operator in charge of creating a charging stations chain. The relevant systemic work has been ensured in association with electric companies.”

The efforts produce results. According to the latest data, the number of electric vehicles in Belarus has reached 10,000, the energy minister said. The number more than doubled in the last 12 months.

The amount of electricity consumed by the vehicle charging stations is on the rise, too. In 2021 the figure grew by 1.4 times in comparison with 2020 to 10 million kWh. Positive dynamics has been observed this year as well.

More and more electric vehicles are used for public transportation: over 100 electric buses transport people in Belarusian cities. “It is an ecological and reliable means of transportation, which offers a high level of comfort to passengers,” Viktor Karankevich stressed.

The global popularity of electric vehicles is also on the rise. 2021 saw global sales of electric cars double. Their total number reached 16 million. The Belarusian energy minister attributed the growth to the global decarbonization trend and the refusal of major automakers to make automobiles with internal combustion engines.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) expects the total number of electric vehicles in the world to reach 200 million by 2030.

The Electric Transport Day has been held for three years now in order to popularize electric vehicles as an ecological and economic way of transportation, which helps build a comfortable urban environment. This year's exhibition has been arranged near the National Library. About 20 companies are taking part in it.

It is a unique venue where one can see all kinds of electric transport, including cars, trucks, electric buses, electric motorcycles and bicycles. The exhibition also features new models of an electric truck, an electric compact van, and an electric quad bike of Belarusian make. A compact economy-class electric car is also on display. Visitors can find out about the development of the electric vehicle charging stations chain and prospects of its expansion.

The exhibition gathered a broad range of participants, including representatives of the industrial complex, research organizations, and companies that import electric vehicles. Those include BKM Holding, MAZ, Amkodor, Belorusneft, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, MotoVeloZavod, BelGee, Green Cars, Tesla Cars, Electro Car, MultiMotors, Sidus Auto, Hello, Eleven, JET, E-power, and other ones.

The Electric Transport Day has been organized by the Belarusian Energy Ministry in association with the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone with assistance of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

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Thursday, 16 June 2022

Pakistan's art exhibition opens in Minsk

The exhibition about Pakistan will introduce Belarusians to Pakistan's traditional and contemporary art, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Pakistan to Belarus Sajjad Haider Khan said at the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Contemporary Art of Pakistan” at the National Library of Belarus. The exhibition is timed to the 75th anniversary of Pakistan's independence, BelTA has learned.

“It is a great pleasure for me to welcome our distinguished guests at the opening ceremony of the exhibition, which is being held in collaboration with the National Library of Belarus as part of the Independence Day of Pakistan celebrations. I am glad to see government officials, friends and colleagues from the Belarusian side, diplomats and journalists,” the ambassador said.

This year Pakistan is celebrating the 75th anniversary of its independence. “Pakistan is only 75 years old but the preserved history of this land dates back to 7000 years BC. Situated at the ever-shifting fault lines between empires, the land of modern day Pakistan has remained at the heart of regional geopolitics, and a melting pot, with cross fertilization among cultures and arts over many millennia,” the diplomat noted.

“Pakistan is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-lingual society. It has a rich history in all visual arts including painting, architecture, textiles, decorative art, and sculpture,” Sajjad Haider Khan said.

The exhibition features artworks by three Pakistani artists. “It is an honor for us to showcase the calligraphic works by a promising Pakistani calligrapher, Ayesha Kamal, who indeed deserves deep appreciation for having flown all the way to Minsk for participation. In her unique style, she employs silver leaves to lay her reflective imagination and draws inspiration from early Islamic texts,” the ambassador said.

The second component of the exposition features masterpieces of world-renowned Pakistani artist, the late Sadequian (1923-1987). This prolific painter hailed from the school of artists who have combined the traditional Islamic art within contemporary artwork.

Noreen Sajid is the third Pakistani artist whose paintings are on display at this exhibition. Her works with bright colors in broad brushstrokes on canvas reflect the hues and forms of everyday life in Pakistan.

“Pakistan is a land of gushing rivers, towering mountains, fertile land, significant coastline and enchanting beauty. Thus, we have also put on display a few photographs of the iconic landscapes of Pakistan,” the diplomat noted.

He added that the exhibition marks the opening of a small Pakistani Book Corner at the National Library.

“I am sure that today's undertaking will give our guests some rare insights into Pakistan's culture and further enrich the understanding about Pakistan,” the ambassador concluded.

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