
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60



Thursday, 28 July 2022

Belarusian Belavia to launch daily flights to Vnukovo on 8 August

The Belarusian air carrier Belavia is set to launch daily flights to Moscow's Vnukovo on 8 August, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian airline.

Currently, the flights to Vnukovo and back are operated on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.

Starting from 8 August flights on Mondays and Saturdays will depart from Minsk at 7.00 and arrive at Vnukovo at 8.25. Flights will leave Vnukovo at 9.10 and arrive in Minsk at 10.35.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays flights will leave the Belarusian capital at 19.25 and arrive in Moscow at 20.50, and will leave Vnukovo at 21.40 and arrive in Minsk at 23.05.

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Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Belarus admits 169 Ukrainian nationals over past 24 hours

169 Ukrainian nationals arrived in Belarus over the past 24 hours, BelTA learned from the State Border Committee.

Citizens of Ukraine continue to arrive in Belarus via the EU countries. Over the past 24 hours, Belarus admitted 169 Ukrainian nationals. 129 of them came through the Belarusian-Polish border. Another 34 arrived in Belarus from Lithuania and six from Latvia.

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Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Program of Belarusian Written Language Day in Dobrush unveiled

About 20 major venues will set up in Dobrush during the 29th edition of Belarusian Written Language Day scheduled for 3-4 September. The theme of the festival was discussed at the meeting of the national organizing committee on 20 July. The committee is led by Belarus Deputy Prime Minister Igor Petrishenko, BelTA has learned.

According to Gomel Oblast Deputy Governor Vladimir Privalov, the participants of the festival will lay wreaths and flowers at the Memory memorial complex and at mass graves. The Iput River embankment will become the venue for the Dobrush Partisan military history reenactment show. Other thematic venues will include an interactive exposition of military glory museums of educational institutions Memory of Generations, a mobile museum Road of Memory of the Belarusian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War History and the project of the National Art Museum We'll Never Forget.

Vendors, travel agencies, the Postal Pavilion and the youth venue will be located on Prince Paskevich Street. A children's interactive zone will be arranged in the park. The institutions of vocational and secondary training of the region will present their stands in the area near the fountain.

Visitors to the holiday will be invited to see the exhibition of regional printed media Newspaper Boulevard, the venue History of the Press of Gomel Oblast. The book and press event promises to be informative and memorable.

A garden in Prospekt Mira will host thematic literary pavilions. The Gomel regional branch of the Union of Writers of Belarus will present its creative projects. Artisan stalls will sell unique authentic handicrafts.

The festival will be launched in an official ceremony in the central square.

Vladimir Privalov noted that the festival will feature the Slavonic Literary Dazhynki fest, a ceremony to honor the winners of the Cyril of Turov regional literary awards, the regional festival of brass bands, Vladimir Ryzhenkov soccer memorial, and a solo exhibition of Vladimir Prokoptsov, an honorary citizen of Dobrush, an honored worker of arts of Belarus. Students and teachers of Gomel Art College will present the creative project "Dobrush through the eyes of artists”.

Belarusian Deputy Information Minister Igor Buzovsky spoke about the events that will precede the main holiday. For example, the international scientific and educational expedition "The Road to the Sanctuaries" will start on 31 August and end in Dobrush on 4 September. On 2 September, the Information Ministry plans to hold a traditional international roundtable "Eternal values through books. Justice is at the heart of it". The discussion will involve Belarusian and foreign writers and young bloggers. Igor Buzovsky also detailed the concepts of printed logo products for Belarusian Written Language Day, the themes and content of the platforms and events.

Established in 1994, Belarusian Written Language Day is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of September. Its mission is to promote the best traditions of the national culture, printed word, and spirituality of the Belarusian people. It is held in towns that shaped the history and culture of the nation and are the birthplaces of the country's famous personalities.

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Monday, 25 July 2022

Kochanova: Autistic children should be integrated into society

Chair of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly Natalya Kochanova is hosting a meeting to discuss efforts to create an enabling environment for children with autism spectrum disorders, their education, rehabilitation, social adaptation and physical development, BelTA has learned.

The meeting was prompted by the appeals to the Council of the Republic of parents of such children. “In Belarus, children are a priority of social policy, there is no doubt about it. The country's laws and practices in this field are worthy of respect. They cover education and treatment of children; the centers providing treatment and intervention services operate in every city and region of the country. This is how the government helps families raising such children. At the same time, parents say that they are not always happy about the way this matter is approached on the ground. Teachers are not always ready to work with such children,” Natalya Kochanova said.

The speaker emphasized that these children should be integrated into society. “They should study in an ordinary school, get an education and be integrated into society. They should live and work with us, feel comfortable and be useful to the country,” she said.

The meeting brought together a wide range of participants - ministers, heads of government agencies, public associations, medical professionals.

“We are all interested in children being healthy, developing, receiving a decent education and fulfilling themselves. Children are our future,” Natalya Kochanova noted.

In Belarus, 2,770 children with autism spectrum disorders are currently under the supervision of psychiatrists, and their number is growing. According to world scientific data, the prevalence of ASDs is 1 case per 160 newborns.

In clinical practice, children are diagnosed with autism at the age of 3 years and older. Diagnostics is carried out by regional psychoneurological clinics. The diagnostic algorithm includes mandatory examination and consultations with a psychiatrist, a pediatrician, a neurologist, a psychologist, a special-needs expert. Further, the information is sent to the local health facility that provides medical specialist supervision.

A set of diagnostic measures and further psychiatric observation is provided mainly on an outpatient basis, which is less traumatic for a child's psyche. 37 early intervention departments (units) at children's polyclinics and children's hospitals provide comprehensive assistance to children and their families. The main task of medical rehabilitation of children with ASDs is full or partial recovery of control over their behavior. Prescription of drugs for the management of symptoms associated with ASDs is effective only in 20% of cases.

Medical rehabilitation can be carried out both on an outpatient basis (at the child's place of residence) and on an inpatient basis. Patients need medical rehabilitation, as a rule, no more than one or two times a year. The main goals are to develop communication skills and improve socialization.

About 1,300 preschool teachers and instructors are employed by educational institutions across the country to provide personalized support for children with ASDs.

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Friday, 22 July 2022

Ivanov: Skillful harvesting is key to Belarus' food security

Well-conducted harvesting is crucial for Belarus' food security, Head of the Belarus President Property Management Directorate Valery Ivanov said at the Zazhinki regional festival that took place on the field of the Alexandriyskoye agricultural company in Shklov District, BelTA has learned.

“Grain fields this year are pleasing to the eye. This is due to the fact that all of you have made every effort to grow a good harvest. Yet, we cannot really assess the quality of harvest until this grain is in the storage,” he stressed.

Valery Ivanov noted that all efforts and resources invested into the harvesting can be totally wasted if the process is approached in a careless way. “The first results are encouraging - almost 70 centners per hectare. I know the potential of Shklov District firsthand. And this potential should be translated into results,” he said.

Losses must not be allowed during harvesting. “Losses, as the head of state said, are a crime. I address machine operators. You perform a lot of works on the field, starting from soil preparation, crop growing, and now harvesting. Therefore, I ask you to value your work. I wish all of us to fulfill the tasks set by the head of state and the country. Well-conducted harvesting will ensure food security, there will be food and prosperity in the country,” Valery Ivanov emphasized.

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Thursday, 21 July 2022

UN rapporteur briefed about rights, guarantees for migrants, refugees in Belarus

The United Nations Organization's special rapporteur on the human rights of migrants Felipe Gonzalez Morales met with Belarus' Deputy Labor and Social Security Minister Marina Artemenko, BelTA learned from the ministry's press service.

"During the meeting, the special rapporteur was briefed about the rights and guarantees that Belarus provides to migrants and refugees in terms of employment, social protection and assistance," the press service said.

The Labor and Social Security Ministry also informed the special rapporteur about the ministry's mandate in the field of forced migration, employment opportunities for foreigners, the rights of migrants and refugees in the field of social services and social security, and also about provision of people with disabilities with technical means of social rehabilitation.

Felipe Gonzalez Morales was also informed about the involvement of the Labor and Social Security Ministry and subordinate organizations in the effort to provide the necessary assistance to migrants stranded on the border of Belarus and Poland in the autumn of 2021.

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Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Belarus' investigators tell UN delegation about investigation of crimes against security of mankind

 A working meeting with a United Nations delegation led by United Nations' special rapporteur on the human rights of migrants Felipe Gonzalez Morales took place at the central office of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, BelTA learned from the department of information and public relations of the Investigative Committee.

The meeting was attended by employees of the Main Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the center “Sistemnaya Pravozaschita” [“Systemic Human Rights Protection”].

“The UN delegation was briefed on the progress and results of the criminal investigation of crimes against the security of mankind, propaganda of war and endangerment (Article 128, Part 1 of Article 123, Part 3 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus). The investigators are looking into the illegal actions of officials and other persons from Poland, like deportation, acts of cruelty, torture, deliberate failure to provide help resulting in the death of victims. The victims are refugees from the Middle East and Afghanistan who were subjected to mistreatment based on their race, nationality, ethnicity and religion when crossing the state border of Poland with the aim to get to Germany,” the Investigative Committee informed.

According to the Investigative Committee, the investigation of the criminal case revealed numerous violations by representatives of the Polish side of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees as of 28 July 1951, as well as repeated non-compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as of 16 December 1966.

Belarusian investigators documented criminal acts committed against 149 refugees who sought medical help. Of the total number of victims 28 were women and 22 were minors (of whom 17 were under the age of 14).

The UN delegation was told about the investigation into mass executions, secret burials of murdered refugees by the Polish military on the border territory of Poland based on the information received from Polish soldier Emil Czeczko.

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Tuesday, 19 July 2022

MFA hosts exhibition about genocide of Belarusian people during war

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus is hosting an exhibition "The Genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War", BelTA reports.

The opening ceremony was attended by employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, heads of Belarusian diplomatic missions and consular offices and foreign diplomats accredited in the country.

The exhibition has been organized with the help of the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War, the Museum of the features of the City of Minsk and the National Library of Belarus. The exhibition presents thematic posters and photographs, historical documents, and instruments of torture from fascist prisons, the remains of personal effects of prisoners of death camps (civilians and Soviet prisoners of war).

The exhibition also displays the documents of the USSR Extraordinary State Commission to investigate the crimes of the Nazi invaders. These are the protocols of witness interrogations, expert opinions, photographs, and voluminous objects from the burned village of Khatyn. Of particular importance are the materials of the General Prosecutor's Office of Belarus, which initiated work to establish places of mass execution and burial of civilians.

The ministry called the exhibition launch ceremony a history lesson of sorts. It was attended simultaneously by the heads of Belarusian diplomatic missions abroad and the heads of missions of foreign countries and representatives of international organizations.

"This creates a unique, unprecedented moment for a face-to-face meeting of diplomats in such an environment (some for the first time) and an exchange of views on topical issues of mutual interest," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

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Monday, 18 July 2022

Slavianski Bazaar festival closes in Vitebsk

The much-loved Slavianski Bazaar festival ended on a bright and colorful note. The success of the festival was a joint effort of the participants, organizers, guests and visitors.

Zhanet performed together with her daughter Laura. Their song sent a powerful message that all's well that ends well.

The participants from India brought fire to the Vitebsk stage - almost sacred and almost from the banks of the Ganges. The song Jimmy Jimmy is famous not only in the homeland of Indira Gandhi, it is much loved all over the world thanks to Bollywood.

When People's Artist of Russia Igor Nikolayev entered the stage, the audience went into raptures. The singer wished all Slavic girls happiness and a peaceful sky. The artist admitted that he missed the Vitebsk audience and performed his new song Love of My Life and his hit Mill, and the audience sang along and danced in chorus. According to Igor Nikolayev, he never experienced such a fantastic vibe anywhere else. This atmosphere is so special that it makes you come to Vitebsk over and over again, the singer added.

The song Midnight Dancer performed by one of the jury members of the Vitebsk 2022 song contest Michaela Rose rocked the hall, so that no one could sit still.

The audience of the Summer Amphitheater warmly welcomed Elena Vayenga. Having performed a song, she invited Alyona Petrovskaya to join her on the stage, and the artists performed in a duo.

Natalya Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov, Mark Tishman, Teo, Larisa Dolina and other stars made that summer Sunday night something to remember. Vitebsk bade farewell to the guests of the Slavianski Bazaar festival, but did not say goodbye to the hope for new meetings and new discoveries next year.

Photos by Aleksandr Khitrov

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Friday, 15 July 2022

Call to encourage Belarusians to stay in regions to work

 It is necessary to get people interested in staying and working in the regions. Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Natalya Kochanova made the statement at a session of the Verkhnedvinsk District Executive Committee, BelTA has learned.

Natalya Kochanova said: “I always say: listen attentively to the president and do as the president says. And you will always be in the right. All the decisions have to be made for the benefit of the state. If it is statesmanlike, then it has to be done.”

The head of the upper chamber of the Belarusian parliament noted that powerful regions are a priority in the country's policy today. “The regions will grow if there are people around. Verkhnedvinsk is such a beautiful town: unique nature, cleanliness, order, houses are under construction. Certainly, it is necessary to get people interested in staying and working here. Jobs and enterprises are available – all the conditions for development,” she said.

Natalya Kochanova added: “We have to talk more about substitute families for the elderly and show it in mass media. It is necessary to raise the awareness of people, encourage mercifulness and volunteering. People have to know that such opportunities are available.”

In turn, Natalya Kochanova believes there should be no abandoned people. “The main task of the Labor and Social Protection Ministry is to make sure there are no abandoned people, that Belarusians live, work, and feel more comfortably instead of squeezing them into some constraints,” she concluded.

Natalya Kochanova went to Verkhnedvinsk District to participate in a session of the local administrative body, talk to the population to discuss topical matters, and host an offsite meeting with members of municipal councils of deputies.

Natalya Kochanova is expected to visit the Verkhnedvinsk District Territorial Center for Social Services and get familiar with the operation of the Osveya Village Council of Deputies later today.

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