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Call to encourage Belarusians to stay in regions to work


 It is necessary to get people interested in staying and working in the regions. Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Natalya Kochanova made the statement at a session of the Verkhnedvinsk District Executive Committee, BelTA has learned.

Natalya Kochanova said: “I always say: listen attentively to the president and do as the president says. And you will always be in the right. All the decisions have to be made for the benefit of the state. If it is statesmanlike, then it has to be done.”

The head of the upper chamber of the Belarusian parliament noted that powerful regions are a priority in the country's policy today. “The regions will grow if there are people around. Verkhnedvinsk is such a beautiful town: unique nature, cleanliness, order, houses are under construction. Certainly, it is necessary to get people interested in staying and working here. Jobs and enterprises are available – all the conditions for development,” she said.

Natalya Kochanova added: “We have to talk more about substitute families for the elderly and show it in mass media. It is necessary to raise the awareness of people, encourage mercifulness and volunteering. People have to know that such opportunities are available.”

In turn, Natalya Kochanova believes there should be no abandoned people. “The main task of the Labor and Social Protection Ministry is to make sure there are no abandoned people, that Belarusians live, work, and feel more comfortably instead of squeezing them into some constraints,” she concluded.

Natalya Kochanova went to Verkhnedvinsk District to participate in a session of the local administrative body, talk to the population to discuss topical matters, and host an offsite meeting with members of municipal councils of deputies.

Natalya Kochanova is expected to visit the Verkhnedvinsk District Territorial Center for Social Services and get familiar with the operation of the Osveya Village Council of Deputies later today.

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