
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60



MINSK, 28 November (BelTA) - Belarus has approved the state program to revive the Slutsk belts production technology and traditions and also to promote production of national souvenirs. The program is titled as Slutsk Belts and is designed for 2012-2015, reads Resolution No.1069 of the Council of Ministers of 22 November, BelTA learnt from the government press service. The state program is an integrated system of measures to implement the state policy in the areas of preservation of traditions and development of national arts and crafts. In 2012-2015, it will require Br20.2 billion. Of them almost Br17.8 billion will be allocated from the national budget. Slutsk belts are of great importance for Belarus designating its place in European and world cultural space. Harnessing the potential of this domestic cultural artifact as a national souvenir brand can be effective for building and strengthening the positive image of the country. The state program provides for the research into the history, artistic features and characteristics of the Slutsk belts, identification of major typological versions of Slutsk belts in the 18th - early 19th centuries and their ethno-social functions; study of the nature and technology of production of authentic Slutsk belts at Slutsk manufactory; study of the materials that were used in the production of authentic Slutsk belts, and development of the proposals for their replacement while maintaining fundamental figurative-plastic features. The program also envisages holding international and nationwide conferences, seminars and workshops with the participation of specialists in the textiles of the 18th and 19th centuries and in modern manufacture of souvenir products; national exhibitions of contemporary folk arts and crafts and souvenirs; establishment of museums and art galleries of traditional and contemporary folk arts and crafts and souvenirs; creating a system of training in such majors as “Design of Textiles”, "Artistic design of textile fabrics" and the inclusion the history and technology of Slutsk belts in the curricula of educational establishments. Such unique historical and cultural phenomenon as Slutsk belts was formed as a result of the historical, ethnic, cultural and social development of the Belarusian lands in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Belts are characterized by distinctive figurative-plastic features, and thus can be viewed as an exceptional phenomenon of national arts and crafts, which blended well into the cultural context of Europe in late 18th and early 19th centuries. For Belarus Slutsk belts are not just a symbol. They are a fully-formed brand and a real example of national pride. Numerous works of art such as poems, songs, dances, paintings have been dedicated to Slutsk belts. Today Belarusian museums have only 11 belts. Weaving technology that was used in their production has been lost. Revival of the production of Slutsk belts, their analogues, copies, the use of artistic stylization features in souvenir products plays a significant role in today's economic and cultural life of Belarus. БЕЛТА

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