
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


Creative youth of Minsk Oblast will teach better to navigate the business environment


Program project includes conducting educational activities with the participation of international experts. Minsk and creative young people in the capital region will learn to better navigate the business environment during the implementation of international technical assistance project "Entrepreneurship in the creative industries to flourish in Belarus." Told reporters the head of the youth association "ABC Entrepreneurship" Marina Gaevskaya. "Creative industries - promising sector for employment, creative implementation and involvement of youth in the country's economy," - said Marina Gaevskaya. Unfortunately, creative and enterprising young people often have a formal business education that leads them to commit at all stages of the business organization of elementary errors. Among them, for example, ignorance of the rules of accounting, legal aspects of business registration. "The project will give the children a real proactive assistance in opening and running a business in the creative sector, which will increase the level of economic development of the Minsk region," - she said. Marina Gaevskaya added that to participate in the project are invited adult representatives of creative professions, including artists, writers, designers, programmers, young people who are fond of film and video art, theater skills, etc. Program project includes conducting educational activities with the participation of international experts. For example, on September 7-12 this year scheduled study visit youth in the UK, where children have the opportunity to learn the basics of doing business in the creative industries. More will be organized festival of creative industries, educational seminars. Earn summer school to develop the skills of management of cultural projects "The Way Forward". In addition, provided an assessment placed on the streets of Minsk objects that from the point of view of the authors of the project are of great artistic value, but have become very popular in wider circles. The most interesting objects will be plotted on a map of the capital that they will create additional advertising added Marina Gaevskaya. It is planned that the project is completed creating a cluster of entrepreneurship in the creative industries. Will be open online platform where representatives of creative professions will be able to share experiences, to develop and implement their projects, share information about them. In the future, in addition to the online site and acquire the cluster location. From wishing to take part in one of the activities of the project is required to fill a form, a specimen of which can be found on the website of the organizer. In selecting participants pay attention to their creative experience, recent developments and creative ideas. International technical assistance project "Entrepreneurship in the creative industries to flourish in Belarus" implemented by NGO "The ABCs of Entrepreneurship" (Belarus) and the International Business Leaders Forum (UK). Funding is provided by the European Union. Project registered by the Ministry of Economy of Belarus on April 24 this year. Term of implementation is 24 months (from the date of registration of the project).

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