
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


Kopyl hosts V regional festival of humor and games «Kopyl funs»


August 30, 2014 in g.Kopyl at 11.00 on the central area will be held V regional festival of humor and games «Kopyl funs.» It will gather more than 20 amateur groups and humorous gaming focus of the 16 regions of Minsk Region theaters games and humor, entertainment and gaming groups, theaters Miniatures drama groups as well as individual artists - chastushechnikov, authors and readers of fables and humoresques.
Festival "Kapylskiya patsehi" was born in 2000 at Kopylschine where always carefully preserved and developed the traditions of folk games and humor. Its initiator was the first in the field of the same name Kapyl theater games, created in 1990 on the basis of the District Centre of Culture.
The festival will feature 9 teams with the title of "national", including a humorous folk group "Tara Bars» Children's Center of Culture "Sprout" Molodechno, folk theater games and humor "Starodorozhski staircase" Darohi RCC and "Kapyl fun", People's theater of Miniatures "Polymya" Stolbtsovsky HDV, humorous folk collective of "Tseshcha" Ratomskogo KFOR Minsk District, national Youth Theatre play "Balagan" Pleshchenitsy HDV Lahoisk district and others. invited as special guests theater folk humor "Sporaўskі akalot" Sporovsky KFOR Berezovsky district, Brest area (spore - the capital of humor in the Brest region).
The jury will include a member of the editorial boards of the almanac of satire and humor "Vozhyk" and the newspaper "Litaratura i Mastatstva" Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Belarus Anatoly Leonidovich Akushevich (jury chairman), chief editor of the anthology of satire and humor "Vozhyk" Julia Frantsevna Zaretsky, General Producer theater of satire and humor, "Christopher", master conversational genre Ilya V. Kazanovsky, theater and film actor, impersonator, author and performer George S. Volchek, director of the Minsk regional center of folk art Raisa losifovna Voytekhovsky.
The organizers of the V regional festival of humor and games "Kapylskіya patsehі" are the General Directorate of Ideological Work, Culture and Youth Affairs of Minsk City Executive Committee, State Enterprise "Minsk Regional Centre of Folk Art" and the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs Kopyl executive committee.

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