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Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

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8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

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M. Myasnikovich: Woodworking companies should seek new markets more actively


Woodworking companies should seek new markets more actively, Belarusian Premier Mikhail Myasnikovich said at the onsite meeting of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers on 15 September to consider forestry matters, BelTA has learned.
“We are slow in developing new markets. There is a demand, especially in the countries of central and Middle Asia,” the head of government said.
The PM stressed that Belarus is in talks with Turkey. There are plans to export products to the domestic market of the country and establish supplies to other countries in cooperation with Turkish partners. The demand for woodworking products increases from Belarus' traditional partners such as Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. “We still have to do a lot in the sector. It is still early to say that the system of sales and logistics has been fully developed. Bellesbumprom Concern and the government are currently working on the issue,” he added.
According to the head of government, in 2016 Belarus will introduce a ban on the export of unprocessed timber. He added that the export of round wood had already been stopped. “Belarusian woodworking companies make high-value-added products, which means absolutely different money. The companies that are competing upgrade projects should look out for such production,” the Prime Minister said.
Once new industrial capacities are commissioned, the volume of feed stock will go up. There is enough wood in Belarus for uninterrupted operation of all its companies. The Premier also emphasized the need to intensify the construction of forest roads to provide access to all controlled felling areas. The forest road construction program of the Forestry Ministry envisages the introduction of 137.2km of roads in 2014.

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