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Twenty sets of awards will compete in the championship boxing Belarus Molodechno


In the championship Molodechno Belarus boxing in which raffled twenty sets of medals. The tournament was attended by athletes and national team, conducting training for the first European Games in Baku, BelTA has learned

In the championship Molodechno Belarus boxing in which raffled twenty sets of medals. The tournament was attended by athletes and national team, conducting training for the first European Games in Baku, BelTA has learned. Minsker Vitaly Bondarenko won in the category up to 75 kg and confirmed its status as one of the leaders of the national team. On the top step of the podium in Maladzechna ascended and Sergei Novikov (81 kg), his teammate, representing in domestic competitions Minsk city, Egor Kurbanov became the best in the category up to 60 kg. Three medals highest order on account of the athletes of the Gomel region. Vladislav Kirilenko was the best in the category up to 49 kg, Leonid Chernobaev excelled in the category up to 91 kg, Alexander Calais won the tournament among boxers heavyweight (91 kg). The winners of the championship of Belarus, Minsk region became boxers Eugene Dolgolevets (up to 64 kg) and Ilyas Odinaev (up to 69 kg), Dmitry molodechnentsu Asanov had no equal among boxers in the category up to 56 kg. The representative team of the Mogilev region Ivan Figurenko knew equal in weight category up to 52 kg. The tournament was held as among women. Seven awards went to the highest standard athletes Gomel region, which last few seasons set the tone for national competitions. Winners Belarus Yana drilling capacity (up to 51 kg), Julia Apanasovich (up to 54 kg), Galina Bruyevich (57 kg), Antonina Aksenov (up to 69 kg), Victoria Kebikova (up to 75 kg), Aline Weber (up to 81 kg ) and Valeria Mikhalkovich (81 kg). Also, the first two places in minchanok Alla Yarshevich (60 kg) and Anna Prokhorova (64 kg). Flyweight (48 kg) became a champion Anastasia Vitebchanka Gotovkina (48 kg). Best athlete championship Belarus recognized one of the most experienced local boxers Vitaly Bondarenko. Basil was the best referee Sorgovitsky from Baranovichi. The championship of Belarus became an important stage in preparing the team for the first European Games in Baku, which will be held in Baku from 12 to 28 June 2015.

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