
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


The first in Minsk Oblast interview room for abused children opened in Zhodino


On the basis of Zhodino socio-pedagogical center first opened in the Minsk region friendly interrogation room for children affected by violence, BelTA learned from the education department of Minsk Regional Executive Committee.
Creating a polling room it was made possible by the project "House of understanding of" international public association "Understanding". Room to avoid multiple interviews of the child victim. During this procedure in the room with him it is only the interviewer and psychologist, and the other actors are watching what is happening in the next room on the TV screen. Manages employee surveys of the Investigative Committee. Emerging issues in the course of the conversation, police officers and prosecutors asked a victim of crime through the psychologist. The conversation is recorded and can be used in future investigation. Experts believe that these innovations to minimize the stress of the interrogation process and help workers investigating authorities to obtain the most accurate information about the crime.
"Particular attention is paid to ethics, safety and protection of the rights of every child. The room survey is a series of free services for young victims and witnesses of violent crime. These include psychological preparation for the interview, a conversation with a specially trained psychologist, passing all the procedures of the criminal process without contact with its members, as well as psychological and psychotherapeutic rehabilitation. If necessary services are available for parents and other family members ", - told the management.
Since the beginning of the room, six surveys of minor children in the presence of their legal representatives. Recent were advised to build a relationship with a child who suffered psychological trauma.
Specially equipped rooms for interviews are already operating in other regions of Belarus. According to world statistics, three quarters of children who are victims of violence or have witnessed crimes, disclose information about the incident only in an atmosphere of trust, without direct contact with the parties to the proceedings.

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