
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


Investment to the economy and social sphere of Minsk Oblast amounted to Br43 trillion in 2015


The capital region ranks first in the country on the index of investment in fixed assets (96.2%)
Investments in the development of economy and social sphere of the Minsk region in 2015 amounted to Br43 trillion, BelTA learned from the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee.
"Investment activity in the area is aimed at attracting resources in the manufacturing sector and focus on their projects through the introduction of innovative technologies and scientific and technical developments, - the experts -. The result is increased competitiveness, expanding export base and the production of import-substituting products."
In February 2015, JSC "Belaruskali" has successfully completed the implementation of an investment project to build a chemical plant for deep complex processing of mineral raw materials chlorine. Put into operation of membrane electrolysis plant, whose products are shipped to Russia. In the course of a comprehensive program of modernization of "Borisov plant units" has implemented a project to create a complete set of production for engine components that comply with Euro-4.
To increase the export potential of JSC "BATE" - managing company of holding "Automotive components" completed the project of modernization of production using innovative technologies and developed assembly complex with the development of new products. Important among other experts realized investment projects consider the installation of new production lines for blue cheese "Roquefort" and pasteurization of milk in pure-pack with a long shelf life in the Naroch branch of OJSC "Molodechno Dairy Plant". In Volozhin district agricultural enterprises created JV "Danprod" for the production of pork bacon with capacity of 11 thousand. Tons of meat in live weight per year. OAO "Gamma taste" (Kleck) to issue, fruit and dairy products and ovoschemolochnyh cocktails foods for infant feeding, which have no analogues in Belarus. Also launched production of meat and vegetable-meat canned rabbit.
In 2015, completed construction of processing blood plasma factory in Nesvizh JV "Farmland," a $ 23 million goal of the first kind in the CIS investment project is to create a production of medicines from the plasma of human blood -. Albumin, intravenous immunoglobulin for intravenous administration, as well as coagulation factors VIII and IX. Planned in future annual volume of biopharmaceutical products will be about $ 35 million. In addition, in the territory of Minsk region has a centralized system for the collection, storage, disposal and use of waste IOOO "DFS-Management". Total since the project raised $ 7.7 million of foreign direct investment on a net basis. The company has signed more than 2.2 thousand. Contracts for the collection of waste oil, and the amount of collection per month reaches 150-200 m.
The construction of a modern export-oriented dairy enterprise with capacity of 500 tons per day of milk received in the LLC "Nesvizh baby food plant" and innovative for Belarus highly purified paraffin production, oils, greases, coolants, model compounds with the reconstruction of the energy complex at OJSC "Mineral Wax Plant".
Capital Region continues the implementation of some promising investment projects. Among them are the construction of a transport and logistics center IOOO "logistics center" Prilesye "(implementation period 2009-2017), the organization of production for the assembly of passenger cars CJSC" BelDzhi "in conjunction with the Chinese Geely Corporation (2012-2030 years), the creation of the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial park "Industrial park" Great stone "(2012-2042 years).
During 2015 all the Minsk region to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) in the amount of $ 479.4 million, including a net basis -. $ 264,100,000 Total, involving FDI on a net basis is implemented 20 investment projects. The capital region ranks first in the country on the index of investment in fixed assets (96.2%).

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