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Special Award "Person of the Year of Minsk Oblast" received 22 representatives of the region


The awards for honored people in the region were handed by chairman of Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Semyon Shapiro
Special Prize of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee "Man of the Year of the Minsk oblast" for 2015 awarded to 22 representatives of the region. Awards honored people in the region on March 18 handed over to the chairman of Salihorsk executive committee Semyon Shapiro, BelTA has learned.
The head of the metropolitan area, thanked the laureates for its valuable contribution to the socio-economic development of the region. "The road to recognition and success is never easy and concise in the success of a person in a particular field can be called a lot of terms, but most importantly -. It is love for the cause, which is engaged in", - he stressed Governor, referring to the winners of special prize.
In the category "Production sector" winners of the special prize Minoblispolkoma became director of "Trading house" Rainbow Light "Salihorsk Andrei Zayats, Senior Foreman" WSS "District UE" Nesvizh housing and communal services "Anatoly Byl, the head of the peasant farm" Sula "Stolbtsy district Vladimir Radevich , forester Bobrskogo experimental industrial forestry FME "Krupski forestry" Basil Myronyuk driver mining excavation machinery underground mining area of ??mine 4th mine group of OJSC "Belaruskali" Alexander Naronsky, the operator of machine milking of "Veseysky Cover" Slutsk district Natalia Berezovskaya, the driver of the truck Vileika branch "Road construction Department №13" OJSC "Road-building trust №5" Department "Belavtodor" Paul Dubyago, tractor-driver RSDUP "Putchino" Dzerzhinsky district Tatiana Zakhodzhaya postman post office "Novoselki" postal services Minsk Kopyl district assembly branch of RUE "Belpochta" Nina Karpinskaya.
In the non-manufacturing sector Prize awarded trainer-teacher of boxing junior sports school №1 Molodechno District Executive Committee Sergei Asanov, fire department commander of the rescue of the old road №1 Dorogi ROCHS Alexander Barnyuk investigator 3rd investigation department of the Salihorsk district department of the Investigative Committee Alexander Gorgun, platoon commander of patrol police public safety police department of the Slutsk district executive committee Igor Gusev, school №11 Slutsk science teacher Vladimir Zhuk, social worker, social assistance offices house the Territorial center of social services Pukhovichi district Tamara Zaharevich, Head Petkovichskim FAPs Dzerzhinskaya CRH Elena Kavetskaya, head of the group call to military service the military commissariat of Dzerzhinsky and Uzda district Evgeny Maznichenko judge economic Court of Minsk region Vladimir Titenkov.
The best in social and political activities are recognized teacher of the specialty "pop art (singing)" Minsk State College of Art Helen Atrashkevich, headman of the village Palace of Luban district Lydia Bubich, circle the head of "Defender of Motherland" youth center Zhodino Igor Lazarev, the chief editor of "Maladzechanskay newspaper" Alexander Lazovsky.
Special prize was established in 2011 and is set equal to 100 basic units (currently BV is one Br210 thousand.). It is awarded annually on a competitive basis to encourage creative activity, promote innovative ideas, best practices and the recognition of achievements in the industrial, artistic and social activities. In determining the candidates for the award takes into account their professional and moral qualities, significance, relevance, efficiency of performance, performance.
At this gala event the title of "Honorary Citizen of Minsk region" awarded Sergey Ling held in 1996-2000, Prime Minister of Belarus, Vladimir Garkun - First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee - CIS Executive Secretary, and Yuri Ostrovsky - doctor of medical sciences, professor Academician of National Academy of Sciences, Head of the laboratory Centre of heart surgery "Cardiology". In addition, the 24 best students of the Minsk region, including the winners of subject Olympiads, creative competitions diploma, young athletes, poets, artists, presented a passport.

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