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Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

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8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


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Minsk Oblast, Moldova's Gagauzia to expand cooperation


Minsk Oblast Executive Committee and the Executive Committee of Gagauzia (an autonomous territorial unit in Moldova's south) will expand cooperation in different fields
The plans are laid out in the 2017-2019 action plan for the implementation of the agreement on cooperation in trade, economy, science, technology, education and culture between the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee and the Executive Committee of Gagauzia. The document was inked on 3 October by Deputy Chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Oleg Plavsky and Gagauzia Governor (Baskan) Irina Vlah in Chisinau after the 17th meeting of the Belarusian-Moldovan intergovernmental commission for trade and economic cooperation in the presence of Belarusian Prime Minister Andrei Kobyakov and his Moldovan counterpart Pavel Filip.
Irina Vlah stressed that the interregional and twinning ties between Gagauzia and Belarus are rapidly expanding. She noted that the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee and the Executive Committee of Gagauzia signed the agreement on cooperation in trade, economy, science, technology, education and culture in Minsk in July 2015. She emphasized that the agreement was inked in the presence of Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko and Moldova President Nicolae Timofti. The 2017-2019 action plan signed in Chisinau on 3 October contains measures for practical implementation of the agreement.
In her speech at the meeting of the Belarusian-Moldovan intergovernmental commission for trade and economic cooperation, Irina Vlah noted that in September 2015, twinning agreements were signed between the Bykhov District Executive Committee and the administration of Ceadir-Lunga District of Gagauzia, and also between the Belarusian town of Bykhov and Kopchak, one of the largest villages in Gagauzia.
On behalf of Gagauzia residents, Irina Vlah welcomed the guests from Belarus and said that Gagauzia closely follows the development of the Belarusian economic model and is impressed with the efforts of the Belarusian authorities to support domestic producers, bolster exports and attract investments.
“The people of Belarus have always been our brotherly nation. We have similar languages, religious backgrounds, recent historical past and mental sets. I sincerely hope to continue our interaction at the International Economic Forum in Comrat on 5 November,” Irina Vlah emphasized.

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