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The catalog of manuscript partisan magazines of the Minsk region will be presented on January 25


The presentation of the catalog of the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War "Partisan hand-written journals of the Minsk region" will be held on January 25 in the Minsk Regional Museum in Molodechno, BelTA learned in the Museum of the Great Patriotic War. The event is timed to the 80th anniversary of the Minsk region.
The popular scientific edition presents a collection of hand-written journals of partisan formations of the Minsk region of 1941-1945 in the collection of the Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War. The catalog publishes a series of drawings of famous Belarusian artists (during the war - artists-illustrators of partisan manuscript magazines of the Minsk region) GFBrzhozovsky, LSBoyko, NVGurlo, SDLi, V.P. Sukhoverova from the museum's funds.
The author-composer is Natalia Filippovich, the leading researcher of the Department of Written and Fine Sources of the Museum of the History of War. In 2017, she became the recipient of a grant from the President of Belarus to develop the concept and prepare a full edition of the catalog.
The catalog was published by the publishing house "Belarusian Encyclopedia named after Petru Б Brovka" in December 2017 in Belarusian, Russian, English. Circulation is 320 copies. The publication will be of interest to historians, scientific and museum workers, will be useful for researchers and all who are interested in the national heritage of Belarus.
During the presentation of the catalog, you will also be able to see the temporary exposition "Guerrilla handwritten journals of the Minsk region". Handwritten journals were one of the sources of propaganda and ideological-educational work among partisans.
The collection of partisan manuscript magazines of the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War has the status of historical and cultural value and is the most valuable asset in its collection. A retrospective look at the history of the development of the partisan movement in Belarus through this collection reveals the culture, mentality, social structure of the war-time epoch, reflects the consolidation of the peoples of the republics of the former USSR.
The first facsimile publication of selected pages of manuscript magazines took place in 2009. The album "Partisan Almanac of 1944-2009" was issued, awarded the 1st degree diploma of the National Contest "Art of the Book-2010" among the publications for the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory. At the second stage of work in 2016 the catalog "Guerrilla handwritten journals of the Mogilev region" was released. This edition is the further implementation of the project "Manuscript Journals of Belarusian Partisans."

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