
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


The methods of citizens in the regions speed up the solution of the problems of local residents - Evseev


On-site receptions in the regions allow to speed up the solution of problems of local residents. This opinion was expressed to journalists by the presidential aide - the inspector for the Minsk region Igor Evseev, who held today the reception of citizens on personal issues in Krupki, BelTA has learned. "The methods of citizens allow us to learn firsthand about problems from the very first mouth, this form of communication is close to real life," said Igor Yevseyev, "We go to places to see the problems of citizens and make a decision." If one does not immediately succeed in removing a particular issue, I take it under control, I instruct the relevant services of local authorities to investigate it. "Subsequently, they inform me about decisions taken or events held." He expressed the opinion that exit receptions in the regions speed up the solution of the problems of local residents who applied to them. Nearly two dozen people have signed up to the assistant to the President today. Igor Evseev drew attention to the fact that this is quite a large number. "Not every person can get to the capital for various reasons, as there is no regional center in the Minsk region, sometimes local authorities do not make timely decisions." When the appeals are taken over by the higher bodies, the issues are resolved more quickly, "said Igor Evseev. / p> Basically, questions are being asked about the improvement of streets, housing and communal services, for example, concerning inappropriate temperature in apartments, leaks of roofs. Do not lose relevance land theme, transportation, health care, education. In addition, it is necessary to solve specific problems of cultural houses and libraries. A number of issues that were raised during the reception today by the inhabitants of Krupok and Krupsky district are familiar to Igor Evseev from the time when he headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of the Executive. The Assistant to the Head of State stressed that the number of applications from citizens, including the President's Administration, is declining, which indicates the increased quality of their consideration at the local level. Today's reception in the Krupsk District Executive Committee lasted several hours. A resident of the agro-town of Uhvala petitioned for the construction of a water tower. Now the water supply of the settlement is carried out by one artesian well without storage capacity. In the case of a rupture of the central water supply, the supply of water immediately ceases to all consumers. On the assurances of representatives of Uhvalsky village executive committee, repair work in the event of emergency situations is carried out immediately. The main cause of impulses is the deterioration of water communications. Construction of the water tower, according to preliminary calculations, will cost Br200 thousand, and the allocation of funds from the budget for these purposes in 2018 is not planned. Anatoly Ganchar, Deputy Chairman of the Krupsk District Executive Committee, noted that the problem is well known, in Uhval a production site of the housing and communal services is being created. It is expected that he will start work in the first half of this year. The site will address current issues in its area, including those related to water supply. After listening to all the interested parties, Igor Yevseyev took the appeal for control. A similar decision was made by the presidential aide after the consideration of the collective appeal of the inhabitants of Krupok living in one of the neighborhoods of the regional center along the streets of Jubilee, October, Partizanskaya, Zarechnaya. They raised the issue of the improvement of the microdistrict. At the moment, documents are being prepared for a tender for the selection of contractors. Igor Yevseyev demanded that the work be carried out consistently and the forthcoming summer was visible to the first results. Also touched during the reception of the topic of pouring roads sand and gravel mixture, grading, asphalting, improvement of courtyard territories, insulation of apartment buildings. Igor Yevseyev considered appeals concerning the gasification of the agricultural town of Vidnack, allocation of budget funds for the construction of a gas distribution pipeline in the town of Bobr for one of the consumer cooperatives for gasification, housing privatization, street lighting, bus routes. The problematic questions raised during the reception are taken into account.

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