
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


The exposition about the history of forensic medicine and criminology will be opened in Molodechno


A permanent exposition on the history of forensic medicine and criminalistics will be opened in Molodechno, an official representative of the State Committee for Forensic Expertise of the Minsk region Veronika Barkovskaya told BelTA.
The idea of ​​creating the exposition belongs to Yury Budo, the head of the Molodechno interdistrict department of the GCSE, and was announced three years ago, and then the work was started. The staff of Molodechno interdistrict department of GCEE and GCEE department for Minsk region took part in the creation of the room, the veterans of the service, representatives of related departments, the public rendered essential assistance.
Today, these are several thematic expositions. In particular, photos of experts are presented at work, including on the scene of incidents. On them it is possible to trace the history of forensic activity development. Attention is drawn to the tools used, the situation in the offices and the conditions in which forensic doctors and forensic scientists worked. Exposition "Cabinet of Medical Expert" will allow you to plunge into the atmosphere of a forensic institution of the 60s. Macro-preparations (human heart, bones of the skull with gunshot damage, fragments of the human skeleton, etc.), as well as literature of previous years are demonstrated here.
"The main exposition" is devoted to the work of forensic experts of the Minsk region in different periods of the twentieth century. Rare goods from the working environment of criminologists and medical experts are presented as exhibits. This is a collection of cameras and other instruments, tools, documents related to the formation of forensic medical service, personal belongings of experts, samples of firearms and cold steel, a collection of ammunition. In addition, there is an exposition in honor of those who stood at the origins of the formation of forensic medicine and criminalistics in the world.
There are also organized installations dedicated to the death of famous people - Yuri Gagarin, Sergei Esenin, Petr Masherov. According to one version of the experts, Yuri Gagarin was already unconscious, when during the tests his plane crashed into the ground. The pilot Vladimir Seregin, who was near him during this last flight, did not have enough 6 seconds and 200 m to avoid a catastrophe. There is a corner of memory of the expert-criminalist Molodechno District Department of Internal Affairs Ivan Karetsky, who died in December 1998 while performing his duties.

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