
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

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More than 3 thousand objects are included in the list of unused property of the Minsk region


More than 3 thousand objects are included in the list of unused property of the Minsk region for 2018. This was announced today by the director of the Minsk Regional Territorial Fund of State Property Antonina Polyakova at the meeting of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, where issues of involvement in the turnover of unused and inefficiently used property owned by the region and its administrative and territorial units were considered, the BelTA.
"In general, work is planned for 2,169 of 3,030 unused facilities for 2018. For example, with regard to work with property in communal ownership, for the current year we plan to involve in circulation more than 220 objects, 90 communal objects are planned to be demolished, 44 - can be preserved, "- noted Antonina Polyakova.
As for the results of last year's work, in comparison with 2016, the indicators improved by 11%. As the director of the fund told, in 2017 it was planned to involve in economic circulation, to preserve and demolish 2214 unused objects of all forms of ownership. Over the year, work was completed for 926 facilities - this is 42% of the plan. For comparison, in 2016 31% of the plan was fulfilled. Better than others, they worked in Starodorozhsk, Kletsk, Lyubansky, Cherven, Smolevichi districts. The smallest percentage of implementation is in Myadel and Krupskiy.
Among the main reasons for the poor performance at the meeting were the inconsistency of the actions of the services of the executive committee at the stage of planning the completion of work. Also, methods of involving unused objects in economic circulation are poorly worked out, and there is no coordination of the subsequent work.
Antonina Polyakova proposed a solution to the problem of low involvement of objects. In her opinion, this problem can be avoided if we define clear terms for accomplishing the tasks, appoint responsible officials and establish more strict control over the work in progress. Including to solve a problem of not used property advertising can help. "It would be nice, for example, to install an extension that the object is being sold, it will only be necessary to manufacture it - it will be distributed as a social advertisement. In addition, it is possible to involve the Councils for the development of entrepreneurship and provide them with information about what property is owned district, "she said.

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