
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


The exhibition "Motherhood and Childhood" opened in Minsk


The sixth specialized exhibition "Motherhood and Childhood" opened in Minsk in the exhibition pavilion at Pobediteley Avenue, BelTA informs.
As noted by the Deputy Chairman of the Minsk City Executive Committee Igor Yurkevich at the ceremony, the event became a good tradition for the capital and is held on the eve of a significant holiday - Mother's Day.
“This format has become popular with Minsk dwellers. Especially a lot of visitors, from past experience, gather the festival of twins and triplets, which will be held on October 13. The city executive committee will always support initiatives aimed at promoting family values,” he said.
The exhibition will run until October 14. Here, families will be able to receive free advice from specialists on the issues of paying childcare benefits, targeted social assistance, employment, health status, participation in the education of a grandmother, grandfather, father, summer recuperation. Drawings of prizes and weekend packages, concerts, master classes, fashion shows, presentations are planned. The award of the Choice of Moms award will be held.
For the kids, the Polesye interactive game zone has opened, a full-size toy model Geely Atlas has been created from the designer.
The exhibition presents a wide range of products for children and expectant mothers. Among them are books, toys, clothing, baby food, cribs for babies, strollers. The latter, by the way, can be tested in practice.
Meetings with medical experts, psychologists will be held at the Mom’s School site, you can learn about the Papa School and Mom School projects at the stand of the Minsk City Center for Social Services for Families and Children, youth - to write the child in circles and sections.
October 13, more than 200 families will participate in the fifth festival of twins and twins "Happiness is doubly."
The exhibition-forum "Motherhood and Childhood" is held in Minsk for the sixth time, its organizer is the exhibition company Expoforum with the support of the Minsk City Council. Admission to all events is free.

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