
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


Belarusian Railways Presents Gifts to Pupils of the Zhdanovichsk Boarding School


The leadership of the Belarusian Railway during the Наши Our Children ’action met with students of the Zhdanovichi special boarding school, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Railways press center.
The railway workers congratulated the children on the upcoming New Year, and Santa Claus and Snow Maiden handed them sweet gifts. Creative teams of the capital's Palace of Culture and Sports of Railwaymen prepared a festive program. The guys were honored amateur groups: pop dance ensemble "Naughty lights" and the circus studio "Belaya Rus", as well as an exemplary folk dance ensemble "Tsagnіchok", break-dance team "Power Ranger".
This is already the fifth year when the management of the highway on the eve of the New Year meets with the pupils of the Zhdanovich boarding school and gives them gifts. In addition, this year the Belarusian Railway will provide the institution with sponsorship in the amount of Br5 thousand to strengthen the material and technical base. "Also, the decision to provide sponsorship for children from the Zhdanovichsky boarding school as part of its charity program was made by the Joint Transport and Logistics Company - Eurasian Railway Alliance, which includes railway administrations of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus," the press said the center of Belarusian Railways.
For organizations of the Belarusian Railway, participation in the New Year charity event “Our Children” has become a good tradition. Every year, railway workers visit sponsored institutions, provide them with sponsorship, organize concert programs. This New Year's charity marathon started on December 10 and will last until January 11, 2019.
Last year, during the campaign, the Belarusian Railways organization visited about 50 different institutions in all regions of Belarus: orphanages, schools, social and pedagogical centers, visited large and low-income families. Financial assistance totaling about Br57 thousand was provided to almost 2 thousand children.

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