
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


Closes the traffic on two overpasses of the Moscow Ring Road


Traffic on the overpasses on the 3rd and 25th km of the Moscow Ring Road is closed from today, BelTA learned in the state enterprise Gordorstroy. At the time of repair, transport on the 3rd km of the Moscow Ring Road (near Frantsysk Skaryna Street) will go along the outer ring: along two lanes of the road from the Green Meadow towards Shabans and along one route - in the opposite direction. On the 25th km (in the area of ​​Napoleon Orda Street and turning to the BSU branch), the cars will go along the inner ring: here they will allocate two lanes from the direction of Malinovka to Loshitsi and one lane for movement in the opposite direction. By the end of May, both overpasses will open again for traffic: during the II European Games, the facilities will function. Then the repair will continue. The overhaul of the bridge structures, which started on December 26 of last year, will be completed by the end of 2019. Gordorstroy apologizes for the inconvenience for motorists and asks enterprises to revise the schedules and routes of their trips with the exception of traffic during peak hours on specified sections of the Moscow Ring Road. In connection with the repair and the pattern of movement of public transport. Buses route number 47S from the street. Kazintsa in the direction of the BSU branch will walk along the Moscow Ring Road to the traffic intersection from the avenue Dzerzhinsky with a turn on it, then on the Moscow Ring Road and the street. Kurchatov with the implementation of the stop "Turn on the branch of BSU", in the opposite direction without changes. The bus route is organized on Saturdays until 4 pm on a special schedule. The movement of the bus route №96 is organized in the direction of the branch of the BSU without changes, from the branch of the BSU - through ag. Shymyslice with the implementation of all stopping points is similar to route No. 132 (stops from the Faculty of Radiophysics and Kurchatov are excluded from servicing the route); bus route number 28 in the direction of DS "Serova" from the avenue. Lyubimova - Ave. Dzerzhinsky, Moscow Ring Road, st. Kazintsa and further along the route, in the opposite direction without changes.

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