
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


Scientific interactive show and presentation of student groups will be held in Minsk Gorky Park


The Atomdvizh scientific interactive show program and the presentation of the Belarusian studio student movement (BSO) will be held on June 29 at the Gorky Central Children's Park in Minsk, Nadezhda Shakhovskaya told the BELT correspondent in BelTA.
Atomdviz is an interactive platform, all day long its visitors can take part in exciting games, test themselves in sports competitions, watch science shows and learn new things at thematic workshops. All entertaining formats of the program organically integrated interesting information about technologies and advanced scientific achievements.
In particular, the guests of the event are waited by the giant Maxwell machine gun, professional football freestyle, music flashmob, spectacular nitrogen show, Atomball, huge checkers World of Elementary Particles, active games Particle Accelerators and Centrifuges. The site will be organized recreation area "Tent of stable isotopes." At the end of the program - a popular science lecture by a nutritionist, endocrinologist, author of the conscious nutrition program Victoria Bolbat.
In addition, there will be a presentation of the Belarusian studotryadovskogo movement. “We will tell the children about the symbolism and attributes of the student squadrons, let us try on the fighting jacket. The purpose of the event is to strengthen the ideological component of the student’s movement, to show what traditions exist, what attributes are, to present the brand book to the BSO, studot ", - said Nadezhda Shakhovskaya.
To this end, from 21 to 30 June in the Republican Youth House organized training seminars. They are aimed at studying the history of the student movement, organization of the work of the detachments. Much attention is paid to labor protection courses. As expected, about 8 thousand fighters, commanders and commissars will take part in the seminars. Such events are an excellent opportunity to look at commanding and commissar activities in detachments from the side.
The Atomdvizh scientific interactive show program is organized by the Atomic Energy Information Center of Minsk (ICAE) with the support of the Engineering Division of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom and the assistance of Belarusian student teams. Last fall, for the anniversary of the city of Ostrovets, ICAE for the first time conducted a public entertainment program “Green Square” with the participation of fighters of student groups of the Union State. Then it was visited by more than 9 thousand people. Scientific-interactive show program "Atomdvizh" is the second project of the Minsk center in the open area, focused on a wider audience.

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