
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


Slavkali owned by Mikhail Gutseriev continues to build an electrical substation at Nezhinsky Mining and Processing Plant


Slavkali, a member of the Safmar group of Mikhail Gutseriev, continues the construction of the 110/10 kV Nezhinskaya electric step-down substation. A number of measures aimed at providing a temporary source of electricity for the construction camp were completed last year. The building of the general substation control center, the 4th section of the switchgear building, cable channels and overpasses were erected, and the Nezhinskaya substation was connected to the solder from the 110/10 kV Kaliynaya substation - Sorochi substation.
Today, construction and installation work at the Nezhinskaya Substation continues according to schedule. Pile driving is underway for the construction of a modular building for a gas-insulated switchgear, 1st, 2nd, 3rd sections of a switchgear building, transformer installation, installation of metal frames for the foundations of the facilities is underway. The delivery of the necessary materials and equipment is planned to be completed within a month.
Electricity will be supplied to the substation from the Kaliynaya substation via the 110 kV overhead high-voltage line. The device of the Slavkali line is 50% complete. More than 90 electrical poles have been installed, this month they will begin to tension the wires. In addition, the reconstruction of the section of the intersection of the overhead power line under construction with the existing 330 kV Kaliinaya - Mozyr overhead line is underway.
It is planned to complete the construction of the Nezhinskaya Substation and complete its connection to the Kaliynaya Substation this year. The resulting source of electricity will ensure the operation of the potash complex under construction for a constant period.
About company:
In September 2015, President Alexander Lukashenko and businessman Mikhail Gutseriev solemnly laid the capsule to mark the beginning of the construction of the Nezhinsky mining and processing complex on the basis of the Starobinsky potash salt deposit. This will be the second enterprise in Belarus producing potash ore and producing potash fertilizers with a capacity of up to 2 million tons of potassium chloride per year. This investment project provides for the construction of a mining complex, an enrichment plant, a gas turbine power plant for its own needs, railway, road, housing and other infrastructure. The construction of the GOK was launched in 2017. Implements the project of IOOO "Slavkali".

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