
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


Minsk Wave team was awarded with the certificate of honor of the Chairman of Minsk Oblast Executive Committee


Ivan Markevich got acquainted with the work of the enterprise, talked with the employees of Minsk Wave. The deputy chairman of Minsk Oblast Executive Committee visited the holy of holies of any radio station - studio, from where the journalists go on the air. Also, Ivan Markevich during a direct inclusion answered several questions.

In a festive atmosphere, the staff of the radio station was awarded a Certificate of Merit.

Gratitude for professionalism was also awarded to Deputy Director (Program Director) Kirill Targonsky and Deputy Director for Information and Analytical Broadcasting Dmitry Anisovets.

While honoring the employees of the Minsk Wave, Ivan Markevich noted the important place of the radio station in the media structure of Minsk Oblast.

- First of all, I want to congratulate the whole team on such a significant date - the fifteenth anniversary of the first broadcast. Today, the radio station covers not only the Minsk Region, but also broadcasts far beyond its borders. The Minsk Wave has gained popularity among listeners due to the fact that literally in every radio report there is a positive spark, a share of positive and good mood. It is very important that on the air a lot of attention is paid to the person of work, to veterans. For a dozen and a half years of broadcasting, the regional and radio leadership have established close cooperation, because we are doing a common thing.

The deputy chairman of Minsk Oblast Executive Committee also spoke about the priorities of cooperation between the regional authorities and the media..

- This is a very serious job. It is not only gratitude to people. We denote the critical moments that concern our citizens today, show development programs in various fields, and openly, so that the residents of the region can see: power and people are a single whole, summed up Ivan Markevich.
An anniversary is not only a holiday, but also the beginning of a new stage. Director of Minsk Wave Tatyana Karpik said that on September 4, a new broadcast season will begin.

- For the anniversary we were very prepared. A new season begins on our birthday. Specially for him we prepared several interesting projects and programs. Of course, we will keep our entertaining content. Improved feedback from listeners through instant messengers. I hope this approach will make the audience even more active, and we will be happy to communicate with her and answer questions. Especially for this we will attract competent experts. I’m sure: listeners will like the changes, and our airs will become even more interesting, Tatyana Karpik concluded.
The team of the Internet portal MLYN.BY joins in congratulations and wishes colleagues creative success and progressive development.

Municipal Wave Broadcasting Unitary Enterprise “Minsk Wave” was established on October 16, 2003 by a decision of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee. The first airing took place on September 4, 2004. This date is considered the birthday of the radio station. Broadcasting specializes in informational, cultural and educational topics. The basis is news releases, as well as information and analytical programs that reflect the most interesting events in the central region.

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