
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko received Anatoly Isachenko, Chairman of Minsk Oblast Executive Committee


Questions were also raised on the further development of the Minsk region in the fields of education, healthcare, and construction. “Approaches to addressing these issues are outlined,” Anatoly Isachenko told reporters, “what are we planning to do and at the expense of what resources.” Basically, these sources are the regional budget and credit. The president has supported these approaches, we can only work. ”
The head of state outlined his position on the provision of state support to problem enterprises. State support will be provided if this yields results and money is given. Anatoly Isachenko said that they had already applied for state support for the meat and dairy industry, and received it, now the money is returned on time. “This gave an impetus to the development of agriculture, our enterprises,” the governor of the Minsk region explained. “During the production process, some kind of problematic questions may arise, the main thing is to see that they are truly objective and help this company in time so that it continues to work.”

The President asked Anatoly Isachenko that he was worried about the industrial sector and agriculture. “In the countryside, everything is going as planned, there is no wariness. We fulfill all the obligations that we have given, ”the Governor reported. In an interview with reporters, he also explained that according to the results of 7 months, all reported indicators in the Minsk region are being fulfilled, the region is developing, harvesting is underway, there are no special moments that require stress, everything is working as usual.
Also during the meeting they discussed the issue of housing construction. 30 percent of all housing being built in the country is being built in the Minsk region. “And in this area, approaches to work have been identified - to give priorities to those developers who have their own base, construction equipment who can not just hire someone, but build themselves. This is a very important point, ”Anatoly Isachenko told reporters in an interview.

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