
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


XXXII National Festival of Running "Yazyl Ten" will be held in Starye Dorogi


On September, 28 at 10.00, Starye Dorogi will again turn into a huge athletics field. "Buslik" will open its hospitable wings for all participants and guests of the XXXII National Festival of Running "Yazyl Ten"
What awaits athletes this year, said the initiator and chief judge of the “Yazilsky dozens” Nikolai GRUZD.
The "Yazyl Ten" National Running Festival will celebrate its thirty-second birthday this year. This is already a respectable age, and at the same time, he is so young. This is because so many young people and those who never We are always glad to welcome on the treadmills the kids taking their first steps in athletics and people of respected age, who, even if they are over 70, do not give up sports.
We slightly expanded the format of the competition: two more interesting stages for schoolchildren were added to the traditional races and distances.
The first is the “Dynamic Relay”, which involves athletes of institutions of general secondary education and specialized educational and sports institutions from 10 to 17 years. It will pass along the highway, its distance is 3600 meters. Eight stages will be overcome by a boy and a girl in four age categories. Her young runners of 10-11 years will start, each run 200 meters. Then they will pass the baton to 12-13-year-old athletes, whose distance will be 400 meters. Then the guys will continue for 14-15 years, their segment of 500 meters. Boys and girls of 16-17 years old will complete, they will have to run 600 meters each.
The second new stage is the “Sport Run”. It will start simultaneously with the "Pagan Ten." Here you will be given the opportunity to prove themselves to children from 12 to 17 years of age who are seriously involved in jogging (students in athletics departments of specialized educational and sports institutions), but due to age they cannot participate in a ten-kilometer race. Their distance is 2500 meters. They will also be able to run alongside celebrities of the Belarusian athletics. This is also a good incentive to achieve victories.
And this is not all the innovations. This year, the school and adult "Corporate Run" were combined. This is a competition among teams that do not specialize in athletics: educational institutions, enterprises and organizations.
The rest of the races: “Five hundred” (500 meters) for schoolchildren 7-11 years old, “Starodorozhsky races” (60 meters) for kids 4-7 years old, “Corporate race” 2500 meters, “Family relay race” (3x500 meters).

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