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Belarus registers novel cancer drug


The Unitehprom BSU company of Belarusian State University (BSU) will be the world's only producer of an original cancer drug Temodex. The registration certificate for the drug has been issued by the Healthcare Ministry of Belarus, BelTA learned from the press service of the university.

The idea, its implementation, production technology, substantiation of safety and efficiency of the medicine were done by scientists of the Research Institute for Physical and Chemical Problems of Belarusian State University. Clinical studies and research were conducted jointly with doctors of the Minsk City Emergency Hospital, the Aleksandrov National Research Center for Oncology and Medical Radiology and Belarusian State Medical University. “Thus, BSU has become Belarus' first university to implement a cancer drug development project from scratch – from a project idea to drug production. The enterprise also makes active ingredients and excipients for a finished medication, its targeted delivery to affected organs and prolongation of its effect,” the university informed.

Temodex is used in brain cancer treatment. It is a powder that turns into biodegradable hydrogel. Temodex is implanted in the space where the tumor was and on all the tissues that contacted with it. The gel gradually dissolves releasing molecules of the chemotherapeutic agent and maintains its adequate concentration in order to destroy all the remaining tumor cells and to prevent recrudescences.

“The Belarusian medication is the only one in the world. The well-known Gliadel has a similar application, but a different composition and it is produced in the form of wafers. Another advantage of the Belarusian drug is its low price. Belarusian nationals can get Temodex free of charge,” the university underlined.

Temodex has been included in Belarus' clinical protocol to treat tumors. Work is underway to get it registered abroad. The drug has been patented in Eurasia and Russia. An international patent application under the PCT was submitted. The PCT international patent system offers protection for an invention in 56 countries. Temodex also has an orphan drug status in Europe (orphan drugs are used to treat rare diseases).

Temodex will be supplied to Belarusian hospitals at the end of Q1 2020.

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