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Belarus, Kazakhstan seek closer cooperation in construction sector


Belarus and Kazakhstan are showing interest in expanding cooperation in the construction sector. The issue was discussed at a meeting between Belarus' Architecture and Construction Minister Ruslan Parkhamovich and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Belarus Asqar Beisenbaev, BelTA learned from the ministry.

“During the visit of the Belarusian delegation to Kazakhstan last month, the parties discussed issues related to bilateral cooperation, including in the construction sector. We saw the level of Kazakhstan's construction industry and defined key areas of cooperation,” said Ruslan Parkhamovich. The minister added that Belarus, together with colleagues from the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of Kazakhstan, is working hard to achieve the targets.

“In general, all the steps taken by the ministries of the two countries have quite broad prospects and act as a solid foundation for long-term cooperation between the construction complexes of Belarus and Kazakhstan. I am confident that the pace of our interaction will continue increasing for the benefit of both states,” Ruslan Parkhamovich stressed.

Asqar Beisenbaev noted for his part that Belarus and Kazakhstan have established strong and friendly relations. “Today the construction sector is one of the most important areas of interaction between the two countries. I am pleased to note that serious work has been done and certain results have already been achieved. I am confident that mutually beneficial cooperation will continue increasing, expanding the potential of the construction complexes of Belarus and Kazakhstan,” the diplomat said.

The ambassador also pointed out that construction is the indicator of the economic state of any country. “If the construction sector is developing, it means that everything is well with the country's economy. Today there are multifunctional construction complexes in Belarus and Kazakhstan, which continuously carry out their activities, increasing the pace every year,” he stressed.

The parties discussed in detail all the areas of bilateral cooperation, including the construction of dairy complexes in Kazakhstan, the production and supply of building materials, and also the setting up of a trading house of Belarusian building materials in Kazakhstan.

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