
223927, Minsk region,
Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

Telephone «hot line»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60



MINSK, 15 March (BelTA) – Minsk Oblast will take a more active part in international agro-tourism projects, BelTA learnt from Irina Deshkevich, the senior specialist of the department for physical education, sport and tourism of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee. All in all, Minsk Oblast has more than 270 entities involved in agro- and rural tourism. Most of them are located in Minsk District (68), Myadel District (38), Volozhin (25) and Logoisk (17), least of all (1-3) in Kletsk, Lyuban, Kopyl, Starye Dorogi and Nesvizh Districts. Minsk Oblast ranks second after Vitebsk Oblast in terms of the number of entities involved in agro-tourism. In recent years their number has increased significantly: in 2006 there were only 7 such entities, in 2007 - 48, 2008 - 125, in 2009 - 214. In 2010 Minsk Oblast welcomed almost 40,400 agro-tourists. Among them were not only Belarusians, but also citizens of foreign countries. Last year, to attract more foreigners to holiday in the Belarusian village, Minsk Oblast held promotional tours for Israeli journalists, and welcomed delegations of managers and employees of travel companies of Poland. More than 5,000 contracts for agro-tourism services have been concluded, including 44 with travel operators. Almost Br3.9 billion worth of profits was reported. On average every subject involved in agro- and ecotourism activities earned Br15.3 million on average. Minsk Oblast pays particular attention to the development of rural tourism. Working groups have been set up with assistance of Belagroprombank in every each district to handle applications regarding rural tourism, review materials to determine the effectiveness of agro-and eco-projects. In 2009 Belagroprombank issued 17 concessional loans for agro-tourism projects, and 15 loans totaling Br729.8 million in 2010. Workshops in agro-tourism are conducted every year; promotional information leaflets on agro- and rural tourism have been published. In 2009, Minsk Oblast distributed a promotional and informational CD-ROM "Tourism in Minsk Oblast”, maps indicating holiday houses in Minsk Oblast, catalogs of holiday houses providing agro- tourism services. БЕЛТА

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