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Thursday, 14 July 2022

Lukashenko sends national day greetings to Montenegro

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent greetings to Montenegro President Milo Dukanovic and the people of Montenegro as the country celebrates Statehood Day, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader.

“It is important for each country to preserve its identity. It is necessary to protect the independence of the state, its traditions and authentic culture for future generations,” the message of congratulations reads.

The Belarusian president noted that Belarus is interested in maintaining the dialogue with Montenegro based on mutual understanding and respect. “I am convinced that we will overcome the unfavorable political situation, and that friendly relations, business and cultural contacts between the Belarusians and the Montenegrins will serve as a reliable basis for expanding fruitful interstate cooperation,” the Belarusian leader stressed.

Aleksandr Lukashenko wished Milo Dukanovic good health and success in his important work, and the Montenegrin people peace and prosperity.

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Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Lukashenko: Modern fascists in NATO countries are still alive

Modern fascists in NATO countries have not gone anywhere and have not died. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement during the ceremony held in the Palace of Independence on 12 July to honor graduates of military schools and high-ranking officers, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “Modern fascists in NATO countries have not gone anywhere, they have not died. And they intend to carry out a strike via Ukraine and Belarus. This is why perhaps, maybe even partially intuitively I ordered the defense minister, the chief of the General Staff to work out an operation and fully cover the western border back in February. Although the threat seemed to be at the southern border. We didn't sleep there either but we covered the western border. And as you can see this strategy proves to be right several months later. We make the relevant conclusions from this conflict in Ukraine. Because there is a war over there today. God forbid if this war comes to Belarus. It is in this manner that we will have to protect our Fatherland if crazy people prevail over there.”

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Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Lukashenko pledges more social security benefits for uniform agencies in 2023

Social security benefits for the military, as well as employees of security and law enforcement agencies will be enhanced starting from 2023, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a ceremony to honor graduates of military schools and high-ranking officers, BelTA has learned.

“We will continue supporting people in uniform, upgrading the Armed Forces - the main guarantor of sovereignty and independence of Belarus. This policy remains unchanged. I should say that social security benefits for the military, as well as employees of security and law enforcement agencies will be expanded starting from next year,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

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Monday, 11 July 2022

Lukashenko makes new appointments in district administrations

On 7 July, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko announced new appointments, BelTA has learned.

The head of state appointed:

Vasily Gursky - Chief Academic Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences;

Timofey Zhigarev - Deputy Chairman of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus;

Vladimir Borovikov - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the Kingdom of Cambodia and concurrently to the Lao People's Democratic Republic and the Republic of Myanmar.

The president also approved the appointment of:

Ivan Fyodorov - Chairman of the Liozno District Executive Committee;

Aleksandr Kokhan - Chairman of the Petrikov District Executive Committee;

Sergei Karpenko - Chairman of the Bragin District Executive Committee;

Nikolai Piavko - Chairman of the Zhitkovichi District Executive Committee;

Sergei Charkovsky - Chairman of the Novogrudok District Executive Committee;

Andrei Atrushkevich - Chairman of the Pukhovichi District Executive Committee;

Vladimir Novitsky - Chairman of the Cherven District Executive Committee;

Vladimir Kniga - Chairman of the Glusk District Executive Committee;

Valery Nosko - Chairman of the Krasnopolye District Executive Committee;

Dmitry Khainovsky - Chairman of the Klimovichi District Executive Committee;

Gennady Timoshevich - General Director of the State Foreign Trade Unitary Enterprise Belspetsvneshtechnika;

Nikolaii Baligatov - Director of OAO Agat - Control Systems, management company of the holding company Geoinformation Management Systems;

Tatyana Stolyarova - Deputy Chairwoman of the State Committee on Science and Technology;

Nikolai Schastny - Director of the State Signs Department at the Finance Ministry .

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Thursday, 07 July 2022

Instructions given to develop reliable means of communication for Belarusian army

It is necessary to develop reliable means of communication for the military. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement as he authorized the appointment of executives of defense industry enterprises, BelTA has learned.

The head of the Belarusian National Reinsurance Organization Gennady Timoshevich was appointed Director General of the state foreign trade unitary enterprise Belspetsvneshtechnika. The head of the company Agat-Electromechanical Plant Nikolai Baligatov was appointed Director of OAO Agat – Control Systems, the managing company of the holding company Geoinformation Control Systems.

Aleksandr Lukashenko asked the new director of the holding company Geoinformation Control Systems about the operation of the company in detail, including in conditions of Western sanctions. The president drew attention to the need to develop reliable means of communication. “Bearing in mind Ukraine. There is a bunch of problems over there. And it turns out communication was one of them,” he explained.

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Wednesday, 06 July 2022

Additional measures to support Belarusian citizens under consideration

A bill on additional measures in the social and labor sphere was one of the matters discussed when Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with senior officials of the Council of Ministers on 5 July, BelTA has learned.

The government suggests taking measures to ensure stability in the social and labor sphere amid Western sanctions. The measures are temporary and will be in effect till the end of 2022. “Right off the bat I wonder whether we have to enact some legislation for half a year,” Aleksandr Lukashenko noted.

First of all, targeted support will be offered to employers in order to support worker collectives. “Do you mean private enterprises, state-run ones, large ones, small ones, and so on?” Aleksandr Lukashenko asked for a clarification and received an affirmative answer.

The president expressed concerns by saying the measures may disincentivize the enterprises. He wondered whether this support will be provided fairly and justifiably: “They will start wondering whether they have to work at all. If my company works well because the worker collective works hard while somewhere over there [at other enterprises] things are bad primarily due to subjective reasons and those will get money from the state budget.”

Secondly, the government suggests expanding the ability of employers to organize work. The measure is supposed to ensure the steady work of enterprises and create an additional resource for more effective utilization of workers and for preventing a decrease in their revenues. “Who prevents them from effectively utilizing the workers and from arranging things in a way as to raise their earnings in the current conditions? It was always the job of employers,” the president wondered.

Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Nazarov explained that the current Labor Code has certain restrictions concerning the length of permissible extra hours, the number of days off that can be spent working, and the ability of employers to give another job to their employees.

“If it is so, consider it approved. It is better to transfer a worker to another job, a permanent one or not after talking to them, after retraining them or not if it is necessary. All things can happen after all,” the head of state agreed.

Aleksandr Lukashenko reminded about his words during a solemn assembly. The president was talking about the situation around Belarus, which has to operate virtually under wartime conditions although without a hot war. “If people don't understand it, do we have to start a hot war?” he wondered. “Nobody would ask anyone to agree to job assignments then.”

“But employers should not pin their hopes on to [Prime Minister of Belarus Roman] Golovchenko, Nazarov, or [Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Natalya] Kochanova,” the president warned.

Thirdly, the government suggests additional social security measures for families in a difficult financial situation. “Let's see what you are suggesting. It seems to me that municipal authorities can see the state of families best of all. In Minsk those are the heads of district administrations and the Minsk City Executive Committee chairman. In the countryside those are heads of rural councils and heads of district administrations. If we talk about support, it means money. Let's give the [municipal authorities] money and simply instruct them to help these families. Let's see what you suggest because of it.”

“If you think that Lukashenko, Golovchenko, Kochanova, and Gerasimov look from Minsk and have a better view of who needs help, you are mistaken. We will simply tie up hands and feet of municipal authorities due to the need to provide this aid if someone needs it. And will determine it indiscriminately once again. And will support families once again,” Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked.

He stressed that he is in favor of aiding those who genuinely need aid. “And only those, who closely interact with these families, can support them. We can only conceptually indicate how it should be done. And we will keep an eye on how oblast governors, heads of district administrations and rural councils provide this support to the families,” the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko asked participants of the conference to report whether the document will worsen the status of working Belarusians, what costs the state budget will have to cover, what effect this kind of support will have on employers, whether it will be more convenient for employees to receive state support instead of acting themselves. “And most importantly if the measures are temporary, do we have to formulate them in a law?” he wondered.

Aleksandr Lukashenko cautioned against imbalance with regard to the desire to regulate matters by legislation: “I am telling you this as a former legislator, who did that. Passing a law takes a year, a year and a half, or even two years. You cannot rush it if you want to do it properly. And do we have to push all of it into a law, particularly temporary provisions? We will lose time if we have to pass a law. A law regulates the lengthiest and steadiest relations and ties. Why do we have to enact temporary measures with a law if we have yet to think whether we need these measures or not? I think it should be implemented via bylaws. It is a general remark.”

Labor and Social Protection Minister Irina Kostevich told media after the conference that as a result of the discussion they had decided to legislate on the additional measures designed to support citizens and worker collectives via a presidential decree instead of a law. The development of such a document takes less time.

According to Irina Kostevich, participants of the conference decided to adjust the existing procedure for targeted social aid for citizens with regard to income-confirming documents. At present documents covering 12 months are required in order to request state support. The new presidential decree will decrease the term to three months for the workers, who have been put on part time or fired. “Thus, in an individualized manner we will help people and their families to deal with the problem due to lower revenues,” the minister noted.

Municipal authorities will still be the ones to decide on granting the aid. “We are not changing these approaches. They know problems of the family and the person where the person lives,” the official explained. “People will have to submit an application via the one-stop shop service and the relevant authorities will make the decision.”

Speaking about when the new decree will be passed, the official said: “Very fast as always. We always have the same deadline – we do everything fast because time requires it.”

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Tuesday, 05 July 2022

Lukashenko sends Independence Day greetings to people of USA

On behalf of the Belarusian people and himself Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent Independence Day greetings to the people of the United States of America, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader.

“On this festive day, I wish all Americans simple things that everyone understands, things that unite all people regardless of their status and skin color: good health, peace, stability and faith in a better future that will come only if we work for it together,” the message of congratulations reads.

The head of state urged to forget about disagreements that split families, societies, entire continents, and to unite efforts in order to find a way out of today's very disturbing and unsafe situation. “This is the only way our nations will be able to iron out the existing disagreements in the interests of our children and grandchildren, in the name of a common home – our planet, in the name of life,” the message reads.

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Monday, 04 July 2022

Lukashenko presents state awards to distinguished Belarusians

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has presented state awards to distinguished Belarusians representing various fields of expertise. More than 30 people took part in the solemn ceremony taking place in the Palace of Independence, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko drew attention to the fact that the award ceremony was organized in the run-up to the main public holiday - Independence Day. “Back in 1944, the liberation of our capital - Minsk - by the Red Army was not just a historical event as it is seen now, but also clear evidence that the Soviet Union and the Belarusian republic managed to remain unconquered at the cost of enormous efforts and human losses. Those who were born and raised in peacetime might find it difficult to understand the value of such simple words as “we won, we will live”, though our ancestors were fully aware of their value...”

“Every year on 3 July we emphasize that independence is the greatest asset of any nation, including the Belarusians. And we will cherish it, we will fight for it the way our heroic ancestors did. There is simply no other way for us,” the president noted.

The head of state noted that talented, hard-working people like those who gathered at the Palace of Independence are the pillars that keep Belarus strong, beautiful, and independent. “Everyone's contribution to the country's prosperity is important,” the Belarusian leader noted.

Although each of those awarded deserves kind words, the president nevertheless singled out a unique person - Nikolai Cherginets - who was awarded the People's Writer of Belarus title. He is a representative of a wartime generation, moreover, he went through the war in Afghanistan. Many of his thrilling books were translated into a dozen languages and were adapted for motion pictures and theater performances. The head of state thanked the writer for his active civic position, public and scientific work, for helping young talents while leading the Writers' Union. “All of us wish you long life and good health,” the Belarusian leader said addressing Nikolai Cherginets. He noted that readers look forward to the new works of the author, and those who are present at the ceremony may well become the prototypes of the main characters of his new books.

Among the attendees there were those who guard the state border. “Now you are literally on the frontline defending peace and tranquility. Representatives of other types of the Armed Forces perform an equally important function: those who protect our sky, take care of communications and equipment, and others. Every soldier, sergeant, ensign, officer and general is important in the Armed Forces,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

“Unfortunately it is very turbulent to the south of Belarus. NATO forces are building up to the west and north of our Belarus,” the Belarusian leader said. “We need to defend our country and our people no matter what,” he added.

The president also thanked people working in law enforcement, prosecutors and judges: “Law and order depend on you. There can be no sovereignty without this concrete foundation.”

The head of state also singled out the heads of two agricultural enterprises of Grodno Oblast - Sergei Kremko and Vasily Gustyr. According to the president, they prove from year to year that they are among the best in the country. “I have already mentioned that in the current conditions, grain is the new gold or oil. The demand for food is colossal in the world. I believe that our agricultural workers will not let us down,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The president thanked the athletes and coaches in attendance not only for their sporting achievements, but also for their civic position. The head of state warned young athletes that it was time to show results and follow the example of their older fellow athletes.

“It is great that professionals with a strong moral compass also work in construction, healthcare, education, and art. I want to thank musicians who are inspired by Belarus and its wonderful people,” the head of state added.

“We are all different. Yet, together, standing shoulder to shoulder, we can write new bright pages in the contemporary history of our dear country,” Aleksandr Lukashenko noted.

The head of state presented the Order for Services to Motherland 2nd Class to Deputy Prosecutor General Maksim Voronin, the Order for Services to Motherland 3rd Class to Head of the Organizational and Control Department of the Prosecutor General's Office Andrei Klinchuk, Head of the 18th Border Detachment Aleksandr Davidyuk, Chief of the Engineer Corps of the Armed Forces, Chief of the Engineer Corps Command of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Andrei Kurakov, Head of the Automobile Directorate of the Defense Ministry Sergei Tomchik, Chairman of the Sports Committee of the Armed Forces Anatoly Khanevsky.

Chief of the Svisloch agricultural company Vasily Gustyr and chief of the Kremko production cooperative Sergei Kremko were honored with the Order of the Fatherland 3rd Class.

The Order of Honor was presented to the Supreme Court judge Igor Lyubovitsky, Deputy Prosecutor General Aleksei Stuk, and First Deputy Prosecutor of Brest Oblast Sergei Turovets.

The head of state also presented badges of honor to a large group of awardees representing various walks of life. Among them was Chairman of the State Border Committee Anatoly Lappo who was awarded the Honored Border Guard of Belarus title.

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Friday, 01 July 2022

Lukashenko concerned about Western ‘nuclear' training flights

Belarus and Russia have yet to resort to a mirrored response to Western aviation's flights, which practice using nuclear weapons. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement as he met with Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov in Minsk on 30 June, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “It was not staged. Including nuclear weapons and the rest. We've made another half-step. They are flying and training after all. Why are they training? Why are they carrying nuclear drill rounds? In order to load a nuclear bomb into an aircraft and drop it where necessary tomorrow. This is why we have yet to resort to a mirrored response. Russia has nuclear ammunition depots, we don't. And as Putin said correctly, their nuclear warheads are located in six sites, in six countries.”

Sergey Lavrov remarked: “And for so many years they have been flying and letting pilots of non-nuclear countries to fly the aircraft designed for nuclear weapons.”

According to the Russian minister of foreign affairs, it is a violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

“But we have not done it yet. But we have to be ready,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.

He recalled events of 1941 when the Great Patriotic War began: “We have to keep our powder dry everywhere. And as for shouts that Putin has captured Belarus, that Putin does whatever he wants… We have a coordinated wise policy of two sovereign countries, for which [Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir] Makei and Lavrov are primarily responsible.”

“Under the leadership of the commanders-in-chief,” Sergey Lavrov added.

Aleksandr Lukashenko responded by saying: “But you advise us. Yet it does not waive our responsibility. We absolutely rationally understand what is going on around us. And it is better to show what may happen than for the real thing to happen. We don't need this war.”

BelTA reported earlier that during negotiations in St Petersburg on 25 June Aleksandr Lukashenko suggested to Vladimir Putin that it is necessary to take retaliatory steps in the military sphere in response to actions of the West. In particular, Aleksandr Lukashenko referred to flights of USA and NATO aircraft, which are training to carry nuclear warheads: “It is very stressful for us. This is why I ask you to consider a tit-for-tat response to these things. Without overdoing it. They are training to carry nuclear warheads. Please, help us at least adjust the aircraft we have for carrying nuclear payloads. I am not saying that we or you will transport nuclear ammunition over there tomorrow. But we cannot joke about it. We remember 1941 when we were lulled into a false sense of security.”

In turn, speaking about security matters, Vladimir Putin pointed out that Americans keep 200 rounds of tactical nuclear ammunition in Europe. Those are primarily nuclear bombs. The nuclear ammunition is stored in six European countries, which are NATO members. “As many as 257 aircraft have been prepared for employing the nuclear ammunition. Not only American aircraft but also aircraft of the countries I've mentioned,” Vladimir Putin explained.

“Is there no base like that in Russia?” Aleksandr Lukashenko wondered.

“There are none in Russia,” Vladimir Putin responded.

Vladimir Putin backed the proposal in favor of refitting the aircraft the Belarusian army has and in favor of starting the relevant pilot training program. Apart from that, Russia will hand over a number of tactical missile systems Iskander-M to Belarus within the next few months. They can fire ballistic and cruise missiles with conventional and nuclear warheads.

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Thursday, 30 June 2022

Belarus' rising international role hinges on careful treatment of traditions, historic memory

Love for the native land, careful treatment of traditions and historic memory will secure the enhancement of the role and the voice of Belarus in the global international polyphony. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement during a national ball for graduates of higher education institutions, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked: “The stability of our economy will depend on your competences and diligence. Love for the native land, careful treatment of traditions and historic memory will secure not only the preservation of the nation but the enhancement of the role and the voice of our Belarus in the global international polyphony.”

The president encouraged the graduates to always remember whatever happens in the near future that people, who have already learned how to go through complicated life periods through their own experience, are close to them.

“For instance, your parents had no one who could help them in the 1990s. Both the older generation and the younger Soviet generation lived in stability for many years and did not know what political, economic crises and even difficulties and complications are. The turning point period caught everyone off guard. But everything is different today. I am absolutely convinced that an alloy of your youth, parents' experience will become the force that will allow you to calmly and steadily reach a new stage of development,” the head of state stressed.

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