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Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Lukashenko: We will preserve the memory of our heroic past

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent greetings to participants of the international parliamentary conference “Historical Memory: The Great Victory Gained by Unity”, BelTA learned from the press service of the head of state.

“We, successors of the victors - Azerbaijanis and Moldovans, Belarusians and Georgians, Armenians and Kazakhs, Ukrainians and Kyrgyz, Russians and Uzbeks, Tajiks and Turkmens, representatives of all ethnicities of the once united country, defended the right to life, freedom and human dignity in the Great Patriotic War. Now that many Western countries are canceling our Victory, massively destroying monuments to the liberators and celebrating murderers and executioners as heroes, we have committed ourselves to defending the historical memory of the selfless struggle of the Soviet people against the German Nazis who killed millions of our compatriots,” the message of greetings reads.

The head of state emphasized that for Belarus that lost every third resident in that war, the nationwide feat is part and parcel of the national idea: “We were the first in the post-Soviet space to enshrine the provisions on the inadmissibility of falsification of this feat in the Constitution of the country.”

“I am convinced that together we will preserve the common heroic past, we will not allow the Victory won by unity, exceptional courage and sacrifice of soldiers, partisans, underground fighters and many ordinary people to be taken away from us, and we will pass on this truth to future generations,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stated.

The president wished fruitful work, health, peace and good to all participants of the conference.

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Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Lukashenko urges closer cooperation with Russia in microelectronics

We cannot be confined to the national borders in microelectronics. We must work in close cooperation with Russia, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a government session to discuss the development of the microelectronic industry in the country in Minsk on 14 June, BelTA has learned.

"We cannot stay confined to national borders. This will not yield the desired effect," the Belarusian leader stressed speaking about the microelectronics development prospects. “We need to cooperate not only where we are welcome, for example, in Russia, but also where we are not welcome - with the Americans, the Japanese and so on. At least we need to see the level to which aspire."

"We must work, of course, in close cooperation with Russia. We do not hide our interest in this regard. All the developments that we have (scientific, experimental and design) can be realized only thanks to timely financing. Russia is ready to finance us in this regard. President Putin and I have talked about this many times and have come to this agreement." The Belarusian head of state noted that Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov has been put in charge of this matter.

"The interest is enormous," the head of state continued. "Today, no one needs to be convinced of the need for close cooperation, as was the case before in power engineering, agricultural machinery and automotive components."

Aleksandr Lukashenko suggested setting up a Belarusian-Russian body to coordinate joint work. A proposal has been once made to set up a Belarusian-Russian ministry. “If we create some kind of structure that will be above our ministries, this will not solve the problem. This will only entail money expenditures. Therefore, we need to seriously think about the way to coordinate our work and who will deal with it," the president added.

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Monday, 13 June 2022

Effective work with population described as indicator of competency of municipal authorities

Effective work with the population is an indicator of the competency of municipal authorities. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement during the national seminar-conference held on 10 June to discuss new methods and forms of public communication at the grassroots level, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “You know that effective work with the population is an indicator of the competency of top officials of oblast administrations, district administrations, and individual enterprises. And complaints are an indicator of our shortcomings. Ideally there should be no complaints. Certainly, it is next to impossible to achieve that but we should endeavor to do it. That's what I wanted to say about work with people's complaints and queries.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko described information and communication work as another significant aspect of the work of civil servants. “We understand how important it is today to wisely use all opportunities, including those provided by digital resources, how important it is to establish interaction with mass media. We see how information is spread in the blink of an eye, most blatant fakes at times, thus creating the foundation for social fallout. We see how important it is to promptly respond to leaks, explain the decisions that have been made to people, and involve them in the government process, adequately respond to creative initiatives originating from the people,” he said.

In his words, all of those are not new issues, close attention was always paid to them. “But some aspects may have been underestimated. Technically all the decisions made in the early years of sovereign Belarus still hold true. Only we have changed. The society has reached a new level of intellectual and technological development. Things that were novelties a quarter of a century ago are now part of the daily routine,” the Belarusian leader stated.

Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that time has come to analyze the work that had been done and possibly adjust some approaches. “If there are methods you believe are outdated, nothing prevents you from abandoning them. If you are ready to suggest more progressive mechanisms of interaction between the power vertical and the population, let's discuss it and make decisions right away,” he added.

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Friday, 10 June 2022

Lukashenko establishes new holiday – Father's Day

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has signed Decree No. 198 to establish a new holiday - Father's Day. It will be marked on 21 October, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader.

The document amended Decree No. 157 “On national holidays, public holidays, commemorative dates in the Republic of Belarus” as of 26 March 1998.

The initiative to establish Father's Day was put forward during the president's Address to Belarusian people and the National Assembly on 28 January 2022. The head of state upheld the idea and instructed the government to develop an appropriate document.

21 October was chosen to mark Father's Day for a reason. In fact, Belarus has a long history of celebrating Mother's Day on 14 October, and thus the period from 14 to 21 October will be referred to as a parents' week. This week is meant to highlight traditional family values and the important of the family policy pursued by the government.

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Thursday, 09 June 2022

Lukashenko suggests setting up joint companies in Kursk Oblast

Belarus and Russia's Kursk Oblast need to shift from traditional trade to creation of joint manufacturing companies, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Kursk Oblast Governor Roman Starovoyt on 9 June, BelTA has learned.

In 2020 Kursk Oblast adopted the social and economic development strategy through 2030. The president confirmed Belarus' readiness to participate in programs to modernize key sectors of the economy of the Russian region. “I think Belarus will find its place in the implementation of these plans,” the head of state stressed.

“We need to move from simple trade to the creation of joint productions. Joint ventures seem promising. We may start from assembling machinery your region needs,” said Aleksandr Lukashenko.

According to the president, Belarus has an extensive and successful experience of cooperation in manufacturing various types of equipment. “We can share our best practices,” he said.

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Wednesday, 08 June 2022

Lukashenko, Emirati investor discuss Northern Waterfront project, cooperation in IT

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with Mohamed Ali Alabbar, Managing Director of the Emirati company Emaar Properties, on 7 June, to discuss the Northern Waterfront project in Minsk and cooperation in the information technology sector, BelTA has learned.

“I am glad to meet with you again. You have long been a friend of Belarus. You come here often. We appreciate such an approach to work. You are always welcome in Belarus, especially since you come with specific proposals every time. Of course, today we will focus mostly on our main project - Northern Waterfront - that you intend to implement. This is a project of a huge scale. I think no other projects in Belarus have been as big as this one,” Aleksandr Lukashenko noted.

Speaking about cooperation in information technology Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “You pay great attention to this sector. I know that the Emirates have made significant progress in this area. I am grateful to you for arranging the meeting with leading experts in artificial intelligence in the Emirates. Back then I realized that Belarus still had a lot of work to do to advance to the level that you achieved together with specialists from around the world.”

“In addition to these major projects, I remember our meetings and agreements, discussions of other projects that could be implemented here, in Belarus, by representatives of big business from the Emirates. If you are interested, we are ready to revisit these projects, including projects in agriculture, food (a very topical issue now) and many other projects that we once discussed,” the president added.

The Belarusian head of state met with Mohamed Ali Alabbar on 28 June 2021. Arab business people are implementing a large-scale project of a smart city in Minsk, which is called the Northern Waterfront. The following day after the meeting, the managing director of Emaar Properties and Minsk Mayor Vladimir Kukharev signed an investment agreement on the Northern Waterfront construction project.

The investment project will be running till 2040 and is estimated at €4 billion. The smart city will be built within the boundaries of the Minsk Ring Road, Pobeditelei Avenue, Orlovskaya Street and Tsnyanskoye Water Reservoir. The complex will include residential buildings with all the necessary engineering and transport infrastructure, social facilities and public facilities with a total area of ​​more than six million square meters.

Mohamed Ali Alabbar is considered one of the biggest and most successful businessmen in the UAE. He is an advisor on economic and investment issues (personal and governmental) to the leaders of Abu Dhabi and Dubai. This Arab businessman is in fact the mastermind and executor of the concept of modern Dubai. Mohamed Ali Alabbar is the co-owner of major international companies in e-commerce, catering, fashion and design.

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Tuesday, 07 June 2022

Lukashenko: TIBO 2022 forum helps exchange best practices, promote creative ideas

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent greetings to the participants and guests of the 28th International ICT Forum TIBO 2022, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader.

“The world has entered a new era, and Belarus is rightfully among the countries that are most actively implementing digitalization processes in the economy, public administration, financial and social sectors,” the message of greetings reads.

The head of state emphasized that for many years the forum has been playing an important role in discussing new approaches to digital development management, making broad presentations of the achieved results, and considering the prospects of future transformations. According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, active participation of representatives of the Eurasian Economic Commission, the EAEU and the CIS member states in TIBO 2022 enables international specialists and experts to exchange best practices, promote the most creative ideas, and sign profitable contracts.

“I am convinced that the meeting in Minsk will be fruitful for IT industry professionals and numerous guests,” the Belarusian leader stressed.

The president wished the participants and guests of the forum strong health, successful work and implementation of the most ambitious ideas.

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Monday, 06 June 2022

Lukashenko vows to keep state support for large families

We will keep state support for large families under any circumstances, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko told the media on 3 June, BelTA has learned.

“If anything to happen, we should not start with children. We have something else to cut on (in the budget's spending apart from state support of families and children),” the president said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said that taking into account the demographical situation in Belarus state support for large families should be kept in place. “We have supported and will continue to support large families. This is out of question,” the head of state said.

In his words, it is necessary to focus state support on families with three and more children. This support should include allowance payments, better housing, education and healthcare services,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

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Thursday, 02 June 2022

Lukashenko lauds progress in Belarus-Leningrad Oblast cooperation

Cooperation between Belarus and Leningrad Oblast is an example of how to implement Belarus-Russia agreements, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Governor of Russia's Leningrad Oblast Aleksandr Drozdenko, BelTA has learned.

“Cooperation between Belarus and Leningrad Oblast can be an example of how one should cooperate. This region is a reliable partner. You always keep your word, bring all your endeavors to their conclusion. Figures are a testimony to this,” the head of state stressed.

The trade between Belarus and Leningrad Oblast is steadily on the rise, Aleksandr Lukashenko noted. In 2021, the trade crossed the $700 million mark and remains on the growth track this year.

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Wednesday, 01 June 2022

Lukashenko: Belarus needs to learn to counter propaganda

Belarus needs to learn to counter the propaganda that has been unleashed against the country, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a session on the information policy in Minsk on 31 May, BelTA has learned.

"Any war, primarily a hybrid war, is a struggle for the minds of people. We have to protect our people. The question is how. This is what we are going to discuss today. This is very important that we learn to conduct counter-propaganda, as it was called in the Soviet Union," the president said. “I support this idea. We should not be afraid of the word ‘propaganda'. We propagandize the best, we advocate the best. Previously, there were departments of propaganda from the Central Committee of the Communist Party down to district committees. They promoted our own way of life, all the best things as we understood them then."

According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, these things still remain in place, primarily in the West. "They mock us by calling us 'propagandists'. Why do they mock us? To confuse us. Therefore, there is nothing wrong if we promote our way of life, our values and propagandize them. But we must also learn how to craft counter narratives against the propaganda that has been unleashed against us. We need to develop mechanisms of counteraction, countermeasures," the Belarusian leader emphasized.

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