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Belarus president demands secure ice hockey world championship


The ice hockey world championship that will take place in Minsk in May 2014 should be secure without inconveniencing the guests. Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko made the statement at the session of the Security Council of Belarus on 8 April, BelTA has learned. “As the organizers we must secure the safety of participants and guests. We cannot let any provocations happen. At the same time the security measures must be unobtrusive. They should not create pressure on participants and guests of the championship as well as reporters,” said the President. Opening the session of the Security Council, Alexander Lukashenko remarked that they were going to discuss the readiness to host the ice hockey world championship and the lessons and tasks originating from the current situation, primarily in view of the Ukrainian events. “I would like to say right away: we are not afraid of anything. I don’t see any fear in the eyes and faces of the Security Council members,” said the President. “These are planned matters. As far as Ukraine is concerned, we should discuss the developments. We have already talked about it and I have emphasized that only fools can fail to make conclusions from the events going on around us”. Alexander Lukashenko added that the problem had been discussed many times and there had been an agreement to revise it at a session of the Security Council in order to possibly extract lessons and relevant conclusions. The Belarus President prioritized the hosting of the ice hockey world championship and the security of the event although there are no particular security-related concerns. The President mentioned what was going to be discussed, what had been done, and what things still required attention. Alexander Lukashenko emphasized the importance of the championship for Belarus. “It will be a great event as far as scale and importance are concerned. A true sport celebration both for the Belarusian people and for millions of ice hockey fans around the globe,” said the head of state. “We just have to show the best in us before the global community,” stressed the President. He pointed out that the organization of the Minsk championship will invariably be compared with previous world championships. “I am confident that we will be able to demonstrate a high degree of organization of the ice hockey world championship and to prove to everyone that we are indeed a civilized state in the center of Europe. After visiting Belarus people should remember the welcoming and well-wishing nature of the Belarusians,” noted the head of state. Alexander Lukashenko stressed that the guests should enjoy a comfortable stay in Belarus while the services rendered should be able to satisfy the most exacting customers. “In addition to being a landmark event that will last in the memory of our nation, the championship should give another impetus to the development of mass sports particularly after the successful performance of Belarusian athletes in Sochi,” said the President. Alexander Lukashenko suggested discussing the main aspects of the ice hockey world championship in detail while focusing on existing problems and proposals to fix them fast because very little time is left. The President stressed that on the whole, Belarus is ready for the ice hockey world championship. If something yet needs attention, it will be done within the month that is still available, said Alexander Lukashenko. “Security is the key matter. Although a lot has been done already, the matter is still important. Any shortcoming can smear all we have done,” remarked Alexander Lukashenko.

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