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Belarus president urges iron discipline during fodder harvesting


Iron discipline must be observed during fodder harvesting. Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko gave the instruction as he visited the agricultural enterprise Shipyany-ASK of the Arable Farming Research and Practice Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in Smolevichi District, Minsk Oblast on 27 May, BelTA has learned. “We all know how things have to be done but due to slackness we often lose a lot of money!” stressed the head of state. In his words, last year lost profits of the Belarusian dairy industry amounted to Br7 trillion. “Br20 trillion all things considered! It is the money that agriculture needs today. You would not have to ask for investments,” said the President. Alexander Lukashenko stressed that it is necessary to use the favorable weather as much as possible for fodder harvesting. “The weather conditions this spring have never been seen before. 100% of the winter crops were in perfect shape and we had time to sow spring crops,” noted the President. “This spring is as good as it gets. Greenhouse effect. Growth goes on perfectly”. Alexander Lukashenko stressed that chemical weeding is what matters today. “This humidity encourages the growth of weeds and diseases. Therefore you need to protect crops. It must be done, no excuses! If we don't do it, we will lose our harvest, we will lose the cereals in the midst of weeds,” said the head of state. “Everyone must be transferred to war footing before the harvesting campaign! The same applies to fodder harvesting,” stressed the President. “Everyone must be mobilized for fodder harvesting! Don't complain later that your cows limp, their stomachs are different, their hearts ache… Why? Because you fail to maintain the structure of the fodder, you don't prepare the fodder the way that animals need it prepared. You feed them silage, pure acid. Our ancestors were wise enough to store a considerable amount of hay to feed the cow and raise the calf”. Alexander Lukashenko pointed out that the Agriculture and Food Ministry had come up with a fodder structure that has to be strictly followed. “This year is a transition period, which is close to what you have planned. Next year we must follow the designated fodder structure. Stop trial and error! If you don't, heads of companies, specialists and all the way to the prime minister will face criminal prosecution,” said the President. “If it doesn't happen, the agriculture cannot meet you halfway. You would enforce dictatorship in agricultural matters. If we invest huge money, we can no longer tolerate mismanagement,” stressed Alexander Lukashenko. This is why the head of state once again pointed out that crop protection had to be secured and the necessary preparations for cereal harvesting had to be carried out. In his words, machines have to be fully ready. The President also mentioned the situation regarding colza and gave instructions to harvest as much colza as possible. “Nothing new but iron discipline,” summarized the President.

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