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Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

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+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

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Lukashenko: Cult of consumption, pursuit of pleasure threaten morality


The cult of consumption and the pursuit of pleasure are threatening to vitiate the society, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said as he met with participants of the Fourth European Orthodox-Catholic Forum, BelTA has learned.  Alexander Lukashenko drew attention to the fact that at present no nation and no religious denomination can live in isolation. “Global tasks facing the humankind today can be addressed only by joint effort. In the 1950s the famous French philosopher Teilhard de Chardin said that nations had become so interdependent economically and psychologically that they could grow further only by interpenetrating each other,” the head of state said.  According to Alexander Lukashenko, globalization has both positive and negative consequences. “We are witnessing the decline of morals, rejection of Christian values and destruction of traditional family structures in many countries of the West. The cult of consumption and the pursuit of pleasure threaten to corrupt the society and debase the moral principles of states. The establishment of a new world order based on these principles will ruthlessly blur the historical and cultural differences between peoples, their priceless, centuries-old family values and traditions of statehood, the rational way of life and interaction with nature and society,” Alexander Lukashenko said.  Alexander Lukashenko stated that in Belarus, just like in other parts of the world, the manifestations of the global economic crisis are coupled with humanitarian issues. “Unfortunately, the progressing moral deformation could not but affect our people. The Belarusian society is facing the same challenges as any European states. We need to strengthen our integrity and moral values. We are concerned by the increasing alcohol abuse and drug addition, social orphanage and other unpleasant phenomena of our times,” the President said.  According to the head of state, it is time to remember that it was Christian worldview that shaped the European culture and civilization. He believes that the solution of many vital issues is impossible without active participation of Eastern Orthodox and Catholic believes. “It is very important and encouraging that the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church in Europe are trying to find new forms of inter-Christian solidarity,” the President said.

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