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+375 (1719) 28-2-60


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Belarusian food supplies to Russia to be discussed next week


Next week Belarus and Russia will discuss the issue of increasing supplies of Belarusian foodstuffs to the Russian Federation in connection with Russia's response to the West's sanctions, Minister of Agriculture and Food Leonid Zayats said during a live Q&A phone-in session with the Selskaya Gazeta newspaper (Belorusskaya Niva), BelTA has learned. “The previous day I had a telephone conversation with the head of Rosselkhoznadzor Sergei Dankvert. Next week he is coming to Belarus to discuss Belarusian food supplies to the Russian market," the minister said. "We can significantly increase the deliveries to the Russian market," said Leonid Zayats. The country is ready to supply all extra food products, which will be manufactured, to the Eastern neighbor. "We are exploring our capabilities: How we can add to the volume we did last year, with what we can extend the product range,” the minister said. “I think this may include pasta, vegetables, groceries, confectionery and, of course, meat and dairy products which are widely available on the Russian market today,” Leonid Zayats said. The minister noted that Belarus is confident in the quality of its products. "These are organic products, safe. They can compete with any European product in terms of consumer qualities," said Leonid Zayats. With the expected increase in exports to Russia, Leonid Zayats assured that the domestic market will not be affected. "The situation on the domestic meat and dairy market has stabilized. Therefore our goal today is to increase the competitiveness of domestic products, expand the product range and promote the high consumer properties of our products in foreign markets," the minister said. As was reported, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree banning the import of agricultural products, raw materials and food from the countries that have imposed sanctions against Russia. According to the Decree, Russia bans or restricts for a year the import of certain types of agricultural products, raw materials and food which country of origin is a state that has imposed economic sanctions against Russian legal entities and (or) individuals or acceded to such measures. President Vladimir Putin ordered the government to prepare a list of products that will fall under the ban.

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