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Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

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+375 (1719) 28-2-60


Belarus to launch five to six PPP pilot projects in 2014


Belarus has plans to launch five to six public-private partnership (PPP) pilot projects by the end of 2014, Alexander Zaborovsky, First Deputy Head of the Council of Ministers Office, Head of the Belarus Prime Minister Secretariat, told reporters on 8 September, BelTA has learned.
These are likely to be infrastructure projects in small-scale power generation, road construction and education. Proposals will be put forward by oblast executive committees and ministries. “By the end of the year we will come up with five to six pilot projects. With the help of international experts we will hold a tender to select the best counterparts,” Alexander Zaborovsky said. He noted that assistance will be provided by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
This year Belarus will draft a list of priority facilities in the manufacturing and social sector that are to be built within 10-15 years. They will be included in the national infrastructure plan. Some projects will be implemented in the pilot mode following new regulations governing public-private partnership.
This year the National Assembly is expected to study a draft law on public-private partnership. Alexander Zaborovsky noted that the document had already been approved in principle.
He emphasized that Belarus had done a lot to promote public-private partnership. The country is the leader in the post-Soviet space in terms of using PPP mechanisms. Educational and other events are conducted for government officials to study the best practices in the field of PPP. One of such seminars is taking place in Minsk on 8 September as part of the EU/UN project “Capacity Development to Support the Implementation of Public–Private Partnership (PPP) in Belarus”.

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