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Lukashenko urges Belarusian writers to create interesting books for contemporary readers


Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko wants Belarusian writers to create ideas, characters and books that will be interesting for the people in the 21st century. He made the statement at a meeting with creative intellectuals on 23 October, BelTA has learned.
“I wonder why we have not seen the books like ‘War and Peace', ‘Virgin Soil Upturned' in the past 20-30 years. Does it mean the lack of talents? Or is this due to the objective life conditions when a book stops to be the main source of information?” the head of state asked.
Alexander Lukashenko believes that changes in the readers' mind should not be explained by the technological revolution only. In his opinion, the dramatic pace of life developed a pragmatic attitude to literature. “Our contemporary readers choose books with fascinating themes and characters or books which are a remedy against boredom,” the President remarked.
The head of state suggested discussing the role of readers, books and writers in literature. The President emphasized that the meeting brought together interesting, extraordinary people who can discuss not only the current state of Belarusian literature, but also the spirituality, culture and historical choice of Belarus.
“Scientists say that economic, political, military advantages of the state do not exist on their own. They are always part and parcel of its spirituality and culture. The development of the society, life of the nation must rely on the everlasting trine: science, education and culture,” the head of state noted and invited participants of the meeting to discuss the role of fiction in this process.
“I would like to hear your ideas about how we can preserve and enhance the literature traditions today without disappointing a major part of readers. Is it possible for readers to find an interesting book and for writers to find their readers?” the President said.

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