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+375 (1719) 28-2-60


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Cooperation in transport sector remains among priorities in CIS


Cooperation in the transport sector remains an important area of multilateral interaction among the CIS countries, Chairman of the CIS Executive Committee, CIS Executive Secretary Sergei Lebedev said during the meeting of the CIS coordinating transport council in Moscow, BelTA learned from the press service of the international organization.
"Cooperation in the transport field has always been a very important area of multilateral interaction in the CIS. No wonder the considerable attention was paid to transport in the CIS economic development strategy adopted in 2008," said Sergei Lebedev.
According to him, the second phase of the strategy is nearing completion next year. A number of important issues, including boosting the cooperation in the field of railway transport, improving tariff policies have been solved. A set of measures have been taken to develop international highways, improve the efficient use of transport infrastructure, to make proposals for the development of an electronic document management system.
During the third, final, phase of the strategy (2016-2020) the CIS will focus efforts on the priority areas of cooperation in the field of transport for the period up to 2020. This document includes the measures, above all, to remove infrastructure constraints on key routes of international transportation; to step up cooperation in sea and river transport; to facilitate further development of logistical approaches and intelligent transport systems. Implementation of these important tasks depends, to a great extent, on the coordinating transport council.
Speaking about the prospects of transport cooperation in the CIS, Sergei Lebedev stressed the importance of full implementation of the document on the coordinated development of the international transport corridors passing through the CIS member states. Sergei Lebedev paid particular attention to ensuring transport security in the CIS. According to him, a lot has been done on this front. The mechanisms for anti-terrorist activities on railway transport have been enforced; the interstate information exchange in the field of transport security has been established.
The CIS has been gradually developing intelligent transport systems. Sergei Lebedev took note of the initiative of the International Transport Academy which organizes conferences on intelligent transport systems. Such events are held with the participation of representatives of transport departments of the CIS member states.
He also noted that the activities of the coordinating transport council, which is one of the leading integration sectoral agencies, are positively evaluated by the highest authorities of the CIS, and expressed gratitude to the leaders of the transport departments for active interaction in addressing the issues of steady development of the CIS transport system.

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