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Belarus' Agriculture Ministry ready to work under Made in EEU quality label


Belarusian agricultural enterprises are ready to sell their products under the single quality label Made in EEU, the head of the foreign economic affairs department at the Belarusian Ministry of Agriculture and Food Alexei Bogdanov told BelTA. 

Belarusian agricultural enterprises are ready to sell their products under the single quality label Made in EEU, the head of the foreign economic affairs department at the Belarusian Ministry of Agriculture and Food Alexei Bogdanov told BelTA.  “If this quality label is approved and if requirements and standards are elaborated, then why not sell products under the single quality label Made in EEU,” he noted. He believes that this will enable agricultural producers to increase their revenues on the domestic and foreign markets.  “We uphold this idea and are ready to support the enterprises that have already been established or will be set up in this field,” Alexei Bogdanov added.  A coordinated agro-industrial policy of the Customs Union and the Single Economic Space was passed by the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council and endorsed by the EEU Treaty. In line with this policy, a cooperation concept was elaborated to ensure a balance in the agricultural sector and on the market of agricultural products. The ultimate goal of the concept is to secure fair competition, equal access to the common market of agricultural products, harmonization of rules and protection of interests of the EEU producers on the domestic and foreign markets.  “A step-by-step action plan was passed by the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in November 2014 to implement the concept. The concept is about financing, government subsidies for the agricultural sector, regulation of the common market, the single rules of the production, sale and export of farm produce,” Alexei Bogdanov informed.  On 13 January Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko sent an address to the heads of state of the Eurasian Economic Union participating states as Belarus assumed chairmanship in the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council and the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission on 1 January 2015. The address reads that Belarus views the Eurasian Economic Union as a crucial integration project promoting economic and social stability in the region. The address also puts forward a number of proposals. It suggests prompt transition to a coordinated and later a single industrial and agricultural policy, development of the major guidelines of industrial cooperation within the union, unconditional launch of the single markets of medicines and healthcare products on 1 January 2016. The address also suggests implementing the joint export promotion activities stipulated by the treaty.

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