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Bureaucratic sluggishness behind extended U.S. sanctions against Belarus


The fact that sanctions against Belarus have been extended indicates the sluggishness of the American bureaucratic machine. The statement was made by Dmitry Mironchik, Head of the Information Office, Press Secretary of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on 11 June, BelTA has learned. Dmitry Mironchik pointed out that the decision made by the U.S. president contains nothing new. “The text of the current executive order totally repeats the text of the executive order signed in 2014. It testifies to the sluggishness of the American bureaucratic machine, its weak sensibility towards what is happening in the world, including processes in our region. This is why there is no sense in criticizing this decision of the U.S. president,” said the Press Secretary of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Dmitry Mironchik drew attention to the certain improvement of Belarusian-American relations as of late. “Nevertheless, contradictions, including fundamental ones, still persist. Differences of opinion, views, and approaches will exist in the future,” stated the official. “However, our relations should be determined not so much by differences but by common interests and responsible actions with regard to the global and regional security as well as other topical items on the international agenda,” stressed the Head of the Information Office. According to Dmitry Mironchik, it would be unjustified to expect the resolution of all the complicated issues in Belarusian-American relations in one go because the disagreements have been in place for nearly two decades already. “Belarus believes that continuing the development of mutually beneficial cooperation and dialogue with the USA is a constructive way that will gradually bring views of the sides on important matters closer and will lead to more sophisticated perception of the domestic policy and the international role of Belarus by the USA,” concluded the Press Secretary of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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