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+375 (1719) 28-2-60


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Almost 90% of Belarusians plan to vote in presidential election


As many as 89.3% of Belarusians plan to vote in the presidential election, and 91.2% of citizens are aware that such an election will be held in Belarus in 2015. Director of the Information and Analysis Center of the Belarus President Administration Alexei Derbin announced the results of the relevant opinion survey conducted in February 2015 during the roundtable on sociology in election processes hosted by the Belaruskaya Dumka magazine on 11 June, BelTA has learned. As many as 1,653 people were polled. The participants of the roundtable talked over the impact of sociology on the modern society and the civil responsibility of researchers. The experts also discussed the role of opinion surveys in electoral campaigns and the efficiency of exit polls as a tool to verify election results. Partaking in the discussion were also director of the Institute of Sociology of the Belarusian National Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Social Science, Professor Igor Kotlyarov, director of the Center for Social and Political Research of the Belarusian State University, Doctor of Social Science, Professor David Rotman, head of the ЕсооМ Analytical Center Sergei Musiyenko, and head of the social research department at the Information and Analysis Center of the Belarus President Administration Vladimir Litvinovich. Editor-in-chief of the Belaruskaya Dumka magazine, Candidate of Sciences (history), Associate Professor Vadim Gigin performed the role of the moderator.  The results of the roundtable will be published in the next issue of the Belaruskaya Dumka magazine.

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