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Lukashenko: Reliable national security is still crucial to the wellbeing of any country


Reliable national security is still crucial to the wellbeing of any country. Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko made the statement during the conference for Belarusian army officers on 30 October, BelTA has learned.
The head of state underlined it was the first meeting of the kind after the latest presidential election. According to Alexander Lukashenko, results of the election confirmed the nation's trust in the current government and predetermined the strategic policy for Belarus' development in the near future.
“Reliable ways to ensure national security have ever been crucial to the wellbeing of any state. This point has never been more topical,” stressed the head of state. According to Alexander Lukashenko, spheres of influence are being re-divided on the global scale. The process inevitably leads to the transformation of the current international security system.
The President spoke about the foundation and development of the United Nations Organization, which was established after World War Two for the sake of maintaining and strengthening international peace and security, for promoting cooperation between nations.
“At that time the UN matched the situation as the supremacy of the system that evolved after the Great Patriotic War,” noted the head of state. “The Soviet Union was the main victor after the war. It seemed the United States and the UK didn't lose the war either. It was understandable that the Soviet Union was exhausted and there was no need to advance further along the way of the Great Victory. The West and other parties understood the Soviet Union was a very powerful force, no further clashes were supposed to happen. The forces were balanced. The sides started negotiations, came to terms and created the relevant security system, with the UN at its core. Back then the world was balanced as a result of the dreadful and bloody war.”
Alexander Lukashenko continued: “Today the situation is being unbalanced. The Soviet Union is no more. We saw everything happen firsthand. I remember standing here, in this hall virtually one year after winning the presidential election in the mid-1990s and stating that we have to be ready to protect our fatherland. We stated that violations of the international law and NATO's advance to the east were unacceptable. We were the first to start talking about it. Belarusian ‘dictatorship' is not the point. Someone not liking us is not the point either. The point is that for 20 years we have maintained a certain stance. Our stance has been unshakable unlike in all the other post-Soviet republics without an exception. We have been absolutely sincere and absolutely honest before our own nation, before our partners, and possibly before our probable adversary. Since then we have been accused of dictatorship and attempts to revive the Soviet Union. What do we see 20 years down the road? We see what was foretold in the mid-1990s.”
The President stressed that the system of checks and balances had gone haywire. “I would not like the new global security system to emerge as a result of a bloodbath. One of the reasons I wouldn't like it is that it won't be the kind of slaughter that we saw in the middle of the 20th century. The new war will involve nuclear weapons. We absolutely don't need that just like any other nation that lives on this planet,” stated Alexander Lukashenko.
The President reminded that during the latest UN summit on sustainable development Belarus' stance towards the policy of the so-called powers that be was clearly outlined. In their blind ambition to dominate by any means possible those powers often cross the line to embrace national egoism and permit actions able to put the world on the brink of a global armed conflict, believes Alexander Lukashenko.

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